t/nvmept_trim: increase transfer size for some tests
[fio.git] / ci / travis-install.sh
1 #!/bin/bash
2 set -eu
5 case "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" in
6     "linux")
7         # Architecture-dependent packages.
8         pkgs=(
9             libaio-dev
10             libcunit1-dev
11             libfl-dev
12             libgoogle-perftools-dev
13             libibverbs-dev
14             libiscsi-dev
15             libnuma-dev
16             librbd-dev
17             librdmacm-dev
18             libz-dev
19         )
20         case "$CI_TARGET_ARCH" in
21             "x86")
22                 pkgs=("${pkgs[@]/%/:i386}")
23                 pkgs+=(
24                     gcc-multilib
25                     pkg-config:i386
26                 )
27                 ;;
28             "amd64")
29                 pkgs+=(nvidia-cuda-dev)
30                 ;;
31         esac
32         if [[ $CI_TARGET_ARCH != "x86" ]]; then
33                 pkgs+=(glusterfs-common)
34         fi
35         # Architecture-independent packages and packages for which we don't
36         # care about the architecture.
37         pkgs+=(
38             bison
39             flex
40             python3
41             python3-scipy
42             python3-six
43         )
44         sudo apt-get -qq update
45         sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -qq -y "${pkgs[@]}"
46         # librpma is supported on the amd64 (x86_64) architecture for now
47         if [[ $CI_TARGET_ARCH == "amd64" ]]; then
48                 # install libprotobuf-c-dev required by librpma_gpspm
49                 sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -qq -y libprotobuf-c-dev
50                 # PMDK libraries have to be installed, because
51                 # libpmem is a dependency of the librpma fio engine
52                 ci/travis-install-pmdk.sh
53                 # install librpma from sources from GitHub
54                 ci/travis-install-librpma.sh
55         fi
56         ;;
57     "osx")
58         brew update >/dev/null 2>&1
59         brew install cunit
60         pip3 install scipy six
61         ;;
62 esac
64 echo "Python3 path: $(type -p python3 2>&1)"
65 echo "Python3 version: $(python3 -V 2>&1)"