t/run-fio-tests: split source file
authorVincent Fu <vincent.fu@samsung.com>
Fri, 2 Jun 2023 16:25:50 +0000 (16:25 +0000)
committerVincent Fu <vincent.fu@samsung.com>
Thu, 8 Jun 2023 16:42:39 +0000 (16:42 +0000)
This is the first step in creating a test library that can be used by
other python test scripts to reduce code duplication.

Signed-off-by: Vincent Fu <vincent.fu@samsung.com>
t/fiotestcommon.py [new file with mode: 0644]
t/fiotestlib.py [new file with mode: 0755]

diff --git a/t/fiotestcommon.py b/t/fiotestcommon.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..71abc82
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+This contains constant definitions, helpers, and a Requirements class that can
+be used to help with running fio tests.
+import os
+import logging
+import platform
+import subprocess
+import multiprocessing
+from fiotestlib import FioJobTest
+    'zero_return': True,
+    'stderr_empty': True,
+    'timeout': 600,
+    }
+    'zero_return': False,
+    'stderr_empty': False,
+    'timeout': 600,
+    }
+    'zero_return': True,
+    'stderr_empty': False,
+    'timeout': 600,
+    }
+class Requirements():
+    """Requirements consists of multiple run environment characteristics.
+    These are to determine if a particular test can be run"""
+    _linux = False
+    _libaio = False
+    _io_uring = False
+    _zbd = False
+    _root = False
+    _zoned_nullb = False
+    _not_macos = False
+    _not_windows = False
+    _unittests = False
+    _cpucount4 = False
+    _nvmecdev = False
+    def __init__(self, fio_root, args):
+        Requirements._not_macos = platform.system() != "Darwin"
+        Requirements._not_windows = platform.system() != "Windows"
+        Requirements._linux = platform.system() == "Linux"
+        if Requirements._linux:
+            config_file = os.path.join(fio_root, "config-host.h")
+            contents, success = FioJobTest.get_file(config_file)
+            if not success:
+                print(f"Unable to open {config_file} to check requirements")
+                Requirements._zbd = True
+            else:
+                Requirements._zbd = "CONFIG_HAS_BLKZONED" in contents
+                Requirements._libaio = "CONFIG_LIBAIO" in contents
+            contents, success = FioJobTest.get_file("/proc/kallsyms")
+            if not success:
+                print("Unable to open '/proc/kallsyms' to probe for io_uring support")
+            else:
+                Requirements._io_uring = "io_uring_setup" in contents
+            Requirements._root = os.geteuid() == 0
+            if Requirements._zbd and Requirements._root:
+                try:
+                    subprocess.run(["modprobe", "null_blk"],
+                                   stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                   stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+                    if os.path.exists("/sys/module/null_blk/parameters/zoned"):
+                        Requirements._zoned_nullb = True
+                except Exception:
+                    pass
+        if platform.system() == "Windows":
+            utest_exe = "unittest.exe"
+        else:
+            utest_exe = "unittest"
+        unittest_path = os.path.join(fio_root, "unittests", utest_exe)
+        Requirements._unittests = os.path.exists(unittest_path)
+        Requirements._cpucount4 = multiprocessing.cpu_count() >= 4
+        Requirements._nvmecdev = args.nvmecdev
+        req_list = [
+                Requirements.linux,
+                Requirements.libaio,
+                Requirements.io_uring,
+                Requirements.zbd,
+                Requirements.root,
+                Requirements.zoned_nullb,
+                Requirements.not_macos,
+                Requirements.not_windows,
+                Requirements.unittests,
+                Requirements.cpucount4,
+                Requirements.nvmecdev,
+                    ]
+        for req in req_list:
+            value, desc = req()
+            logging.debug("Requirements: Requirement '%s' met? %s", desc, value)
+    @classmethod
+    def linux(cls):
+        """Are we running on Linux?"""
+        return Requirements._linux, "Linux required"
+    @classmethod
+    def libaio(cls):
+        """Is libaio available?"""
+        return Requirements._libaio, "libaio required"
+    @classmethod
+    def io_uring(cls):
+        """Is io_uring available?"""
+        return Requirements._io_uring, "io_uring required"
+    @classmethod
+    def zbd(cls):
+        """Is ZBD support available?"""
+        return Requirements._zbd, "Zoned block device support required"
+    @classmethod
+    def root(cls):
+        """Are we running as root?"""
+        return Requirements._root, "root required"
+    @classmethod
+    def zoned_nullb(cls):
+        """Are zoned null block devices available?"""
+        return Requirements._zoned_nullb, "Zoned null block device support required"
+    @classmethod
+    def not_macos(cls):
+        """Are we running on a platform other than macOS?"""
+        return Requirements._not_macos, "platform other than macOS required"
+    @classmethod
+    def not_windows(cls):
+        """Are we running on a platform other than Windws?"""
+        return Requirements._not_windows, "platform other than Windows required"
+    @classmethod
+    def unittests(cls):
+        """Were unittests built?"""
+        return Requirements._unittests, "Unittests support required"
+    @classmethod
+    def cpucount4(cls):
+        """Do we have at least 4 CPUs?"""
+        return Requirements._cpucount4, "4+ CPUs required"
+    @classmethod
+    def nvmecdev(cls):
+        """Do we have an NVMe character device to test?"""
+        return Requirements._nvmecdev, "NVMe character device test target required"
diff --git a/t/fiotestlib.py b/t/fiotestlib.py
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..ff114a1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+This library contains FioTest objects that provide convenient means to run
+different sorts of fio tests.
+It also contains a test runner that runs an array of dictionary objects
+describing fio tests.
+import os
+import sys
+import json
+import locale
+import logging
+import platform
+import traceback
+import subprocess
+from pathlib import Path
+class FioTest():
+    """Base for all fio tests."""
+    def __init__(self, exe_path, parameters, success):
+        self.exe_path = exe_path
+        self.parameters = parameters
+        self.success = success
+        self.output = {}
+        self.artifact_root = None
+        self.testnum = None
+        self.test_dir = None
+        self.passed = True
+        self.failure_reason = ''
+        self.command_file = None
+        self.stdout_file = None
+        self.stderr_file = None
+        self.exitcode_file = None
+    def setup(self, artifact_root, testnum):
+        """Setup instance variables for test."""
+        self.artifact_root = artifact_root
+        self.testnum = testnum
+        self.test_dir = os.path.join(artifact_root, f"{testnum:04d}")
+        if not os.path.exists(self.test_dir):
+            os.mkdir(self.test_dir)
+        self.command_file = os.path.join( self.test_dir,
+                                         f"{os.path.basename(self.exe_path)}.command")
+        self.stdout_file = os.path.join( self.test_dir,
+                                        f"{os.path.basename(self.exe_path)}.stdout")
+        self.stderr_file = os.path.join( self.test_dir,
+                                        f"{os.path.basename(self.exe_path)}.stderr")
+        self.exitcode_file = os.path.join( self.test_dir,
+                                          f"{os.path.basename(self.exe_path)}.exitcode")
+    def run(self):
+        """Run the test."""
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def check_result(self):
+        """Check test results."""
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+class FioExeTest(FioTest):
+    """Test consists of an executable binary or script"""
+    def __init__(self, exe_path, parameters, success):
+        """Construct a FioExeTest which is a FioTest consisting of an
+        executable binary or script.
+        exe_path:       location of executable binary or script
+        parameters:     list of parameters for executable
+        success:        Definition of test success
+        """
+        FioTest.__init__(self, exe_path, parameters, success)
+    def run(self):
+        """Execute the binary or script described by this instance."""
+        command = [self.exe_path] + self.parameters
+        command_file = open(self.command_file, "w+",
+                            encoding=locale.getpreferredencoding())
+        command_file.write(f"{command}\n")
+        command_file.close()
+        stdout_file = open(self.stdout_file, "w+",
+                           encoding=locale.getpreferredencoding())
+        stderr_file = open(self.stderr_file, "w+",
+                           encoding=locale.getpreferredencoding())
+        exitcode_file = open(self.exitcode_file, "w+",
+                             encoding=locale.getpreferredencoding())
+        try:
+            proc = None
+            # Avoid using subprocess.run() here because when a timeout occurs,
+            # fio will be stopped with SIGKILL. This does not give fio a
+            # chance to clean up and means that child processes may continue
+            # running and submitting IO.
+            proc = subprocess.Popen(command,
+                                    stdout=stdout_file,
+                                    stderr=stderr_file,
+                                    cwd=self.test_dir,
+                                    universal_newlines=True)
+            proc.communicate(timeout=self.success['timeout'])
+            exitcode_file.write(f'{proc.returncode}\n')
+            logging.debug("Test %d: return code: %d", self.testnum, proc.returncode)
+            self.output['proc'] = proc
+        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
+            proc.terminate()
+            proc.communicate()
+            assert proc.poll()
+            self.output['failure'] = 'timeout'
+        except Exception:
+            if proc:
+                if not proc.poll():
+                    proc.terminate()
+                    proc.communicate()
+            self.output['failure'] = 'exception'
+            self.output['exc_info'] = sys.exc_info()
+        finally:
+            stdout_file.close()
+            stderr_file.close()
+            exitcode_file.close()
+    def check_result(self):
+        """Check results of test run."""
+        if 'proc' not in self.output:
+            if self.output['failure'] == 'timeout':
+                self.failure_reason = f"{self.failure_reason} timeout,"
+            else:
+                assert self.output['failure'] == 'exception'
+                self.failure_reason = '{0} exception: {1}, {2}'.format(
+                    self.failure_reason, self.output['exc_info'][0],
+                    self.output['exc_info'][1])
+            self.passed = False
+            return
+        if 'zero_return' in self.success:
+            if self.success['zero_return']:
+                if self.output['proc'].returncode != 0:
+                    self.passed = False
+                    self.failure_reason = f"{self.failure_reason} non-zero return code,"
+            else:
+                if self.output['proc'].returncode == 0:
+                    self.failure_reason = f"{self.failure_reason} zero return code,"
+                    self.passed = False
+        stderr_size = os.path.getsize(self.stderr_file)
+        if 'stderr_empty' in self.success:
+            if self.success['stderr_empty']:
+                if stderr_size != 0:
+                    self.failure_reason = f"{self.failure_reason} stderr not empty,"
+                    self.passed = False
+            else:
+                if stderr_size == 0:
+                    self.failure_reason = f"{self.failure_reason} stderr empty,"
+                    self.passed = False
+class FioJobTest(FioExeTest):
+    """Test consists of a fio job"""
+    def __init__(self, fio_path, fio_job, success, fio_pre_job=None,
+                 fio_pre_success=None, output_format="normal"):
+        """Construct a FioJobTest which is a FioExeTest consisting of a
+        single fio job file with an optional setup step.
+        fio_path:           location of fio executable
+        fio_job:            location of fio job file
+        success:            Definition of test success
+        fio_pre_job:        fio job for preconditioning
+        fio_pre_success:    Definition of test success for fio precon job
+        output_format:      normal (default), json, jsonplus, or terse
+        """
+        self.fio_job = fio_job
+        self.fio_pre_job = fio_pre_job
+        self.fio_pre_success = fio_pre_success if fio_pre_success else success
+        self.output_format = output_format
+        self.precon_failed = False
+        self.json_data = None
+        self.fio_output = f"{os.path.basename(self.fio_job)}.output"
+        self.fio_args = [
+            "--max-jobs=16",
+            f"--output-format={self.output_format}",
+            f"--output={self.fio_output}",
+            self.fio_job,
+            ]
+        FioExeTest.__init__(self, fio_path, self.fio_args, success)
+    def setup(self, artifact_root, testnum):
+        """Setup instance variables for fio job test."""
+        super().setup(artifact_root, testnum)
+        self.command_file = os.path.join(self.test_dir,
+                                         f"{os.path.basename(self.fio_job)}.command")
+        self.stdout_file = os.path.join(self.test_dir,
+                                        f"{os.path.basename(self.fio_job)}.stdout")
+        self.stderr_file = os.path.join(self.test_dir,
+                                        f"{os.path.basename(self.fio_job)}.stderr")
+        self.exitcode_file = os.path.join(self.test_dir,
+                                          f"{os.path.basename(self.fio_job)}.exitcode")
+    def run_pre_job(self):
+        """Run fio job precondition step."""
+        precon = FioJobTest(self.exe_path, self.fio_pre_job,
+                            self.fio_pre_success,
+                            output_format=self.output_format)
+        precon.setup(self.artifact_root, self.testnum)
+        precon.run()
+        precon.check_result()
+        self.precon_failed = not precon.passed
+        self.failure_reason = precon.failure_reason
+    def run(self):
+        """Run fio job test."""
+        if self.fio_pre_job:
+            self.run_pre_job()
+        if not self.precon_failed:
+            super().run()
+        else:
+            logging.debug("Test %d: precondition step failed", self.testnum)
+    @classmethod
+    def get_file(cls, filename):
+        """Safely read a file."""
+        file_data = ''
+        success = True
+        try:
+            with open(filename, "r", encoding=locale.getpreferredencoding()) as output_file:
+                file_data = output_file.read()
+        except OSError:
+            success = False
+        return file_data, success
+    def get_file_fail(self, filename):
+        """Safely read a file and fail the test upon error."""
+        file_data = None
+        try:
+            with open(filename, "r", encoding=locale.getpreferredencoding()) as output_file:
+                file_data = output_file.read()
+        except OSError:
+            self.failure_reason += f" unable to read file {filename}"
+            self.passed = False
+        return file_data
+    def check_result(self):
+        """Check fio job results."""
+        if self.precon_failed:
+            self.passed = False
+            self.failure_reason = f"{self.failure_reason} precondition step failed,"
+            return
+        super().check_result()
+        if not self.passed:
+            return
+        if 'json' not in self.output_format:
+            return
+        file_data = self.get_file_fail(os.path.join(self.test_dir, self.fio_output))
+        if not file_data:
+            return
+        #
+        # Sometimes fio informational messages are included at the top of the
+        # JSON output, especially under Windows. Try to decode output as JSON
+        # data, skipping everything until the first {
+        #
+        lines = file_data.splitlines()
+        file_data = '\n'.join(lines[lines.index("{"):])
+        try:
+            self.json_data = json.loads(file_data)
+        except json.JSONDecodeError:
+            self.failure_reason = f"{self.failure_reason} unable to decode JSON data,"
+            self.passed = False
+def run_fio_tests(test_list, test_env, args):
+    """
+    Run tests as specified in test_list.
+    """
+    passed = 0
+    failed = 0
+    skipped = 0
+    for config in test_list:
+        if (args.skip and config['test_id'] in args.skip) or \
+           (args.run_only and config['test_id'] not in args.run_only):
+            skipped = skipped + 1
+            print(f"Test {config['test_id']} SKIPPED (User request)")
+            continue
+        if issubclass(config['test_class'], FioJobTest):
+            if config['pre_job']:
+                fio_pre_job = os.path.join(test_env['fio_root'], 't', 'jobs',
+                                           config['pre_job'])
+            else:
+                fio_pre_job = None
+            if config['pre_success']:
+                fio_pre_success = config['pre_success']
+            else:
+                fio_pre_success = None
+            if 'output_format' in config:
+                output_format = config['output_format']
+            else:
+                output_format = 'normal'
+            test = config['test_class'](
+                test_env['fio_path'],
+                os.path.join(test_env['fio_root'], 't', 'jobs', config['job']),
+                config['success'],
+                fio_pre_job=fio_pre_job,
+                fio_pre_success=fio_pre_success,
+                output_format=output_format)
+            desc = config['job']
+        elif issubclass(config['test_class'], FioExeTest):
+            exe_path = os.path.join(test_env['fio_root'], config['exe'])
+            if config['parameters']:
+                parameters = [p.format(fio_path=test_env['fio_path'], nvmecdev=args.nvmecdev)
+                              for p in config['parameters']]
+            else:
+                parameters = []
+            if Path(exe_path).suffix == '.py' and platform.system() == "Windows":
+                parameters.insert(0, exe_path)
+                exe_path = "python.exe"
+            if config['test_id'] in test_env['pass_through']:
+                parameters += test_env['pass_through'][config['test_id']].split()
+            test = config['test_class'](exe_path, parameters,
+                                        config['success'])
+            desc = config['exe']
+        else:
+            print(f"Test {config['test_id']} FAILED: unable to process test config")
+            failed = failed + 1
+            continue
+        if not args.skip_req:
+            reqs_met = True
+            for req in config['requirements']:
+                reqs_met, reason = req()
+                logging.debug("Test %d: Requirement '%s' met? %s", config['test_id'], reason,
+                              reqs_met)
+                if not reqs_met:
+                    break
+            if not reqs_met:
+                print(f"Test {config['test_id']} SKIPPED ({reason}) {desc}")
+                skipped = skipped + 1
+                continue
+        try:
+            test.setup(test_env['artifact_root'], config['test_id'])
+            test.run()
+            test.check_result()
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            break
+        except Exception as e:
+            test.passed = False
+            test.failure_reason += str(e)
+            logging.debug("Test %d exception:\n%s\n", config['test_id'], traceback.format_exc())
+        if test.passed:
+            result = "PASSED"
+            passed = passed + 1
+        else:
+            result = f"FAILED: {test.failure_reason}"
+            failed = failed + 1
+            contents, _ = FioJobTest.get_file(test.stderr_file)
+            logging.debug("Test %d: stderr:\n%s", config['test_id'], contents)
+            contents, _ = FioJobTest.get_file(test.stdout_file)
+            logging.debug("Test %d: stdout:\n%s", config['test_id'], contents)
+        print(f"Test {config['test_id']} {result} {desc}")
+    print(f"{passed} test(s) passed, {failed} failed, {skipped} skipped")
+    return passed, failed, skipped
index c91deed46af5e75f55fd937c0267c8c6acbfdb77..4f651ae83cdec6591fe1436d6caafce8183a8d8a 100755 (executable)
 import os
 import sys
-import json
 import time
 import shutil
 import logging
 import argparse
-import platform
-import traceback
-import subprocess
-import multiprocessing
 from pathlib import Path
 from statsmodels.sandbox.stats.runs import runstest_1samp
-class FioTest():
-    """Base for all fio tests."""
-    def __init__(self, exe_path, parameters, success):
-        self.exe_path = exe_path
-        self.parameters = parameters
-        self.success = success
-        self.output = {}
-        self.artifact_root = None
-        self.testnum = None
-        self.test_dir = None
-        self.passed = True
-        self.failure_reason = ''
-        self.command_file = None
-        self.stdout_file = None
-        self.stderr_file = None
-        self.exitcode_file = None
-    def setup(self, artifact_root, testnum):
-        """Setup instance variables for test."""
-        self.artifact_root = artifact_root
-        self.testnum = testnum
-        self.test_dir = os.path.join(artifact_root, f"{testnum:04d}")
-        if not os.path.exists(self.test_dir):
-            os.mkdir(self.test_dir)
-        self.command_file = os.path.join(
-            self.test_dir,
-            f"{os.path.basename(self.exe_path)}.command")
-        self.stdout_file = os.path.join(
-            self.test_dir,
-            f"{os.path.basename(self.exe_path)}.stdout")
-        self.stderr_file = os.path.join(
-            self.test_dir,
-            f"{os.path.basename(self.exe_path)}.stderr")
-        self.exitcode_file = os.path.join(
-            self.test_dir,
-            f"{os.path.basename(self.exe_path)}.exitcode")
-    def run(self):
-        """Run the test."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def check_result(self):
-        """Check test results."""
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-class FioExeTest(FioTest):
-    """Test consists of an executable binary or script"""
-    def __init__(self, exe_path, parameters, success):
-        """Construct a FioExeTest which is a FioTest consisting of an
-        executable binary or script.
-        exe_path:       location of executable binary or script
-        parameters:     list of parameters for executable
-        success:        Definition of test success
-        """
-        FioTest.__init__(self, exe_path, parameters, success)
-    def run(self):
-        """Execute the binary or script described by this instance."""
-        command = [self.exe_path] + self.parameters
-        command_file = open(self.command_file, "w+")
-        command_file.write(f"{command}\n")
-        command_file.close()
-        stdout_file = open(self.stdout_file, "w+")
-        stderr_file = open(self.stderr_file, "w+")
-        exitcode_file = open(self.exitcode_file, "w+")
-        try:
-            proc = None
-            # Avoid using subprocess.run() here because when a timeout occurs,
-            # fio will be stopped with SIGKILL. This does not give fio a
-            # chance to clean up and means that child processes may continue
-            # running and submitting IO.
-            proc = subprocess.Popen(command,
-                                    stdout=stdout_file,
-                                    stderr=stderr_file,
-                                    cwd=self.test_dir,
-                                    universal_newlines=True)
-            proc.communicate(timeout=self.success['timeout'])
-            exitcode_file.write(f'{proc.returncode}\n')
-            logging.debug("Test %d: return code: %d", self.testnum, proc.returncode)
-            self.output['proc'] = proc
-        except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
-            proc.terminate()
-            proc.communicate()
-            assert proc.poll()
-            self.output['failure'] = 'timeout'
-        except Exception:
-            if proc:
-                if not proc.poll():
-                    proc.terminate()
-                    proc.communicate()
-            self.output['failure'] = 'exception'
-            self.output['exc_info'] = sys.exc_info()
-        finally:
-            stdout_file.close()
-            stderr_file.close()
-            exitcode_file.close()
-    def check_result(self):
-        """Check results of test run."""
-        if 'proc' not in self.output:
-            if self.output['failure'] == 'timeout':
-                self.failure_reason = f"{self.failure_reason} timeout,"
-            else:
-                assert self.output['failure'] == 'exception'
-                self.failure_reason = '{0} exception: {1}, {2}'.format(
-                    self.failure_reason, self.output['exc_info'][0],
-                    self.output['exc_info'][1])
-            self.passed = False
-            return
-        if 'zero_return' in self.success:
-            if self.success['zero_return']:
-                if self.output['proc'].returncode != 0:
-                    self.passed = False
-                    self.failure_reason = f"{self.failure_reason} non-zero return code,"
-            else:
-                if self.output['proc'].returncode == 0:
-                    self.failure_reason = f"{self.failure_reason} zero return code,"
-                    self.passed = False
-        stderr_size = os.path.getsize(self.stderr_file)
-        if 'stderr_empty' in self.success:
-            if self.success['stderr_empty']:
-                if stderr_size != 0:
-                    self.failure_reason = f"{self.failure_reason} stderr not empty,"
-                    self.passed = False
-            else:
-                if stderr_size == 0:
-                    self.failure_reason = f"{self.failure_reason} stderr empty,"
-                    self.passed = False
-class FioJobTest(FioExeTest):
-    """Test consists of a fio job"""
-    def __init__(self, fio_path, fio_job, success, fio_pre_job=None,
-                 fio_pre_success=None, output_format="normal"):
-        """Construct a FioJobTest which is a FioExeTest consisting of a
-        single fio job file with an optional setup step.
-        fio_path:           location of fio executable
-        fio_job:            location of fio job file
-        success:            Definition of test success
-        fio_pre_job:        fio job for preconditioning
-        fio_pre_success:    Definition of test success for fio precon job
-        output_format:      normal (default), json, jsonplus, or terse
-        """
-        self.fio_job = fio_job
-        self.fio_pre_job = fio_pre_job
-        self.fio_pre_success = fio_pre_success if fio_pre_success else success
-        self.output_format = output_format
-        self.precon_failed = False
-        self.json_data = None
-        self.fio_output = f"{os.path.basename(self.fio_job)}.output"
-        self.fio_args = [
-            "--max-jobs=16",
-            f"--output-format={self.output_format}",
-            f"--output={self.fio_output}",
-            self.fio_job,
-            ]
-        FioExeTest.__init__(self, fio_path, self.fio_args, success)
-    def setup(self, artifact_root, testnum):
-        """Setup instance variables for fio job test."""
-        super().setup(artifact_root, testnum)
-        self.command_file = os.path.join(
-            self.test_dir,
-            f"{os.path.basename(self.fio_job)}.command")
-        self.stdout_file = os.path.join(
-            self.test_dir,
-            f"{os.path.basename(self.fio_job)}.stdout")
-        self.stderr_file = os.path.join(
-            self.test_dir,
-            f"{os.path.basename(self.fio_job)}.stderr")
-        self.exitcode_file = os.path.join(
-            self.test_dir,
-            f"{os.path.basename(self.fio_job)}.exitcode")
-    def run_pre_job(self):
-        """Run fio job precondition step."""
-        precon = FioJobTest(self.exe_path, self.fio_pre_job,
-                            self.fio_pre_success,
-                            output_format=self.output_format)
-        precon.setup(self.artifact_root, self.testnum)
-        precon.run()
-        precon.check_result()
-        self.precon_failed = not precon.passed
-        self.failure_reason = precon.failure_reason
-    def run(self):
-        """Run fio job test."""
-        if self.fio_pre_job:
-            self.run_pre_job()
-        if not self.precon_failed:
-            super().run()
-        else:
-            logging.debug("Test %d: precondition step failed", self.testnum)
-    @classmethod
-    def get_file(cls, filename):
-        """Safely read a file."""
-        file_data = ''
-        success = True
-        try:
-            with open(filename, "r") as output_file:
-                file_data = output_file.read()
-        except OSError:
-            success = False
-        return file_data, success
-    def get_file_fail(self, filename):
-        """Safely read a file and fail the test upon error."""
-        file_data = None
-        try:
-            with open(filename, "r") as output_file:
-                file_data = output_file.read()
-        except OSError:
-            self.failure_reason += f" unable to read file {filename}"
-            self.passed = False
-        return file_data
-    def check_result(self):
-        """Check fio job results."""
-        if self.precon_failed:
-            self.passed = False
-            self.failure_reason = f"{self.failure_reason} precondition step failed,"
-            return
-        super().check_result()
-        if not self.passed:
-            return
-        if 'json' not in self.output_format:
-            return
-        file_data = self.get_file_fail(os.path.join(self.test_dir, self.fio_output))
-        if not file_data:
-            return
-        #
-        # Sometimes fio informational messages are included at the top of the
-        # JSON output, especially under Windows. Try to decode output as JSON
-        # data, skipping everything until the first {
-        #
-        lines = file_data.splitlines()
-        file_data = '\n'.join(lines[lines.index("{"):])
-        try:
-            self.json_data = json.loads(file_data)
-        except json.JSONDecodeError:
-            self.failure_reason = f"{self.failure_reason} unable to decode JSON data,"
-            self.passed = False
+from fiotestlib import FioExeTest, FioJobTest, run_fio_tests
+from fiotestcommon import *
 class FioJobTest_t0005(FioJobTest):
@@ -851,152 +570,6 @@ class FioJobTest_iops_rate(FioJobTest):
             self.passed = False
-class Requirements():
-    """Requirements consists of multiple run environment characteristics.
-    These are to determine if a particular test can be run"""
-    _linux = False
-    _libaio = False
-    _io_uring = False
-    _zbd = False
-    _root = False
-    _zoned_nullb = False
-    _not_macos = False
-    _not_windows = False
-    _unittests = False
-    _cpucount4 = False
-    _nvmecdev = False
-    def __init__(self, fio_root, args):
-        Requirements._not_macos = platform.system() != "Darwin"
-        Requirements._not_windows = platform.system() != "Windows"
-        Requirements._linux = platform.system() == "Linux"
-        if Requirements._linux:
-            config_file = os.path.join(fio_root, "config-host.h")
-            contents, success = FioJobTest.get_file(config_file)
-            if not success:
-                print(f"Unable to open {config_file} to check requirements")
-                Requirements._zbd = True
-            else:
-                Requirements._zbd = "CONFIG_HAS_BLKZONED" in contents
-                Requirements._libaio = "CONFIG_LIBAIO" in contents
-            contents, success = FioJobTest.get_file("/proc/kallsyms")
-            if not success:
-                print("Unable to open '/proc/kallsyms' to probe for io_uring support")
-            else:
-                Requirements._io_uring = "io_uring_setup" in contents
-            Requirements._root = os.geteuid() == 0
-            if Requirements._zbd and Requirements._root:
-                try:
-                    subprocess.run(["modprobe", "null_blk"],
-                                   stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                                   stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-                    if os.path.exists("/sys/module/null_blk/parameters/zoned"):
-                        Requirements._zoned_nullb = True
-                except Exception:
-                    pass
-        if platform.system() == "Windows":
-            utest_exe = "unittest.exe"
-        else:
-            utest_exe = "unittest"
-        unittest_path = os.path.join(fio_root, "unittests", utest_exe)
-        Requirements._unittests = os.path.exists(unittest_path)
-        Requirements._cpucount4 = multiprocessing.cpu_count() >= 4
-        Requirements._nvmecdev = args.nvmecdev
-        req_list = [
-                Requirements.linux,
-                Requirements.libaio,
-                Requirements.io_uring,
-                Requirements.zbd,
-                Requirements.root,
-                Requirements.zoned_nullb,
-                Requirements.not_macos,
-                Requirements.not_windows,
-                Requirements.unittests,
-                Requirements.cpucount4,
-                Requirements.nvmecdev,
-                    ]
-        for req in req_list:
-            value, desc = req()
-            logging.debug("Requirements: Requirement '%s' met? %s", desc, value)
-    @classmethod
-    def linux(cls):
-        """Are we running on Linux?"""
-        return Requirements._linux, "Linux required"
-    @classmethod
-    def libaio(cls):
-        """Is libaio available?"""
-        return Requirements._libaio, "libaio required"
-    @classmethod
-    def io_uring(cls):
-        """Is io_uring available?"""
-        return Requirements._io_uring, "io_uring required"
-    @classmethod
-    def zbd(cls):
-        """Is ZBD support available?"""
-        return Requirements._zbd, "Zoned block device support required"
-    @classmethod
-    def root(cls):
-        """Are we running as root?"""
-        return Requirements._root, "root required"
-    @classmethod
-    def zoned_nullb(cls):
-        """Are zoned null block devices available?"""
-        return Requirements._zoned_nullb, "Zoned null block device support required"
-    @classmethod
-    def not_macos(cls):
-        """Are we running on a platform other than macOS?"""
-        return Requirements._not_macos, "platform other than macOS required"
-    @classmethod
-    def not_windows(cls):
-        """Are we running on a platform other than Windws?"""
-        return Requirements._not_windows, "platform other than Windows required"
-    @classmethod
-    def unittests(cls):
-        """Were unittests built?"""
-        return Requirements._unittests, "Unittests support required"
-    @classmethod
-    def cpucount4(cls):
-        """Do we have at least 4 CPUs?"""
-        return Requirements._cpucount4, "4+ CPUs required"
-    @classmethod
-    def nvmecdev(cls):
-        """Do we have an NVMe character device to test?"""
-        return Requirements._nvmecdev, "NVMe character device test target required"
-    'zero_return': True,
-    'stderr_empty': True,
-    'timeout': 600,
-    }
-    'zero_return': False,
-    'stderr_empty': False,
-    'timeout': 600,
-    }
-    'zero_return': True,
-    'stderr_empty': False,
-    'timeout': 600,
-    }
         'test_id':          1,
@@ -1461,98 +1034,15 @@ def main():
     print(f"Artifact directory is {artifact_root}")
     if not args.skip_req:
-        req = Requirements(fio_root, args)
-    passed = 0
-    failed = 0
-    skipped = 0
-    for config in TEST_LIST:
-        if (args.skip and config['test_id'] in args.skip) or \
-           (args.run_only and config['test_id'] not in args.run_only):
-            skipped = skipped + 1
-            print(f"Test {config['test_id']} SKIPPED (User request)")
-            continue
-        if issubclass(config['test_class'], FioJobTest):
-            if config['pre_job']:
-                fio_pre_job = os.path.join(fio_root, 't', 'jobs',
-                                           config['pre_job'])
-            else:
-                fio_pre_job = None
-            if config['pre_success']:
-                fio_pre_success = config['pre_success']
-            else:
-                fio_pre_success = None
-            if 'output_format' in config:
-                output_format = config['output_format']
-            else:
-                output_format = 'normal'
-            test = config['test_class'](
-                fio_path,
-                os.path.join(fio_root, 't', 'jobs', config['job']),
-                config['success'],
-                fio_pre_job=fio_pre_job,
-                fio_pre_success=fio_pre_success,
-                output_format=output_format)
-            desc = config['job']
-        elif issubclass(config['test_class'], FioExeTest):
-            exe_path = os.path.join(fio_root, config['exe'])
-            if config['parameters']:
-                parameters = [p.format(fio_path=fio_path, nvmecdev=args.nvmecdev)
-                              for p in config['parameters']]
-            else:
-                parameters = []
-            if Path(exe_path).suffix == '.py' and platform.system() == "Windows":
-                parameters.insert(0, exe_path)
-                exe_path = "python.exe"
-            if config['test_id'] in pass_through:
-                parameters += pass_through[config['test_id']].split()
-            test = config['test_class'](exe_path, parameters,
-                                        config['success'])
-            desc = config['exe']
-        else:
-            print(f"Test {config['test_id']} FAILED: unable to process test config")
-            failed = failed + 1
-            continue
-        if not args.skip_req:
-            reqs_met = True
-            for req in config['requirements']:
-                reqs_met, reason = req()
-                logging.debug("Test %d: Requirement '%s' met? %s", config['test_id'], reason,
-                              reqs_met)
-                if not reqs_met:
-                    break
-            if not reqs_met:
-                print(f"Test {config['test_id']} SKIPPED ({reason}) {desc}")
-                skipped = skipped + 1
-                continue
-        try:
-            test.setup(artifact_root, config['test_id'])
-            test.run()
-            test.check_result()
-        except KeyboardInterrupt:
-            break
-        except Exception as e:
-            test.passed = False
-            test.failure_reason += str(e)
-            logging.debug("Test %d exception:\n%s\n", config['test_id'], traceback.format_exc())
-        if test.passed:
-            result = "PASSED"
-            passed = passed + 1
-        else:
-            result = f"FAILED: {test.failure_reason}"
-            failed = failed + 1
-            contents, _ = FioJobTest.get_file(test.stderr_file)
-            logging.debug("Test %d: stderr:\n%s", config['test_id'], contents)
-            contents, _ = FioJobTest.get_file(test.stdout_file)
-            logging.debug("Test %d: stdout:\n%s", config['test_id'], contents)
-        print(f"Test {config['test_id']} {result} {desc}")
-    print(f"{passed} test(s) passed, {failed} failed, {skipped} skipped")
+        Requirements(fio_root, args)
+    test_env = {
+              'fio_path': fio_path,
+              'fio_root': fio_root,
+              'artifact_root': artifact_root,
+              'pass_through': pass_through,
+              }
+    _, failed, _ = run_fio_tests(TEST_LIST, test_env, args)