Make fiologparser_hist compatible with python3
[fio.git] / tools / hist /
... / ...
3 Utility for converting *_clat_hist* files generated by fio into latency statistics.
5 Example usage:
7 $ *_clat_hist*
8 end-time, samples, min, avg, median, 90%, 95%, 99%, max
9 1000, 15, 192, 1678.107, 1788.859, 1856.076, 1880.040, 1899.208, 1888.000
10 2000, 43, 152, 1642.368, 1714.099, 1816.659, 1845.552, 1888.131, 1888.000
11 4000, 39, 1152, 1546.962, 1545.785, 1627.192, 1640.019, 1691.204, 1744
12 ...
14 @author Karl Cronburg <>
16import os
17import sys
18import pandas
19import numpy as np
21err = sys.stderr.write
23def weighted_percentile(percs, vs, ws):
24 """ Use linear interpolation to calculate the weighted percentile.
26 Value and weight arrays are first sorted by value. The cumulative
27 distribution function (cdf) is then computed, after which np.interp
28 finds the two values closest to our desired weighted percentile(s)
29 and linearly interpolates them.
31 percs :: List of percentiles we want to calculate
32 vs :: Array of values we are computing the percentile of
33 ws :: Array of weights for our corresponding values
34 return :: Array of percentiles
35 """
36 idx = np.argsort(vs)
37 vs, ws = vs[idx], ws[idx] # weights and values sorted by value
38 cdf = 100 * (ws.cumsum() - ws / 2.0) / ws.sum()
39 return np.interp(percs, cdf, vs) # linear interpolation
41def weights(start_ts, end_ts, start, end):
42 """ Calculate weights based on fraction of sample falling in the
43 given interval [start,end]. Weights computed using vector / array
44 computation instead of for-loops.
46 Note that samples with zero time length are effectively ignored
47 (we set their weight to zero).
49 start_ts :: Array of start times for a set of samples
50 end_ts :: Array of end times for a set of samples
51 start :: int
52 end :: int
53 return :: Array of weights
54 """
55 sbounds = np.maximum(start_ts, start).astype(float)
56 ebounds = np.minimum(end_ts, end).astype(float)
57 ws = (ebounds - sbounds) / (end_ts - start_ts)
58 if np.any(np.isnan(ws)):
59 err("WARNING: zero-length sample(s) detected. Log file corrupt"
60 " / bad time values? Ignoring these samples.\n")
61 ws[np.where(np.isnan(ws))] = 0.0;
62 return ws
64def weighted_average(vs, ws):
65 return np.sum(vs * ws) / np.sum(ws)
67columns = ["end-time", "samples", "min", "avg", "median", "90%", "95%", "99%", "max"]
68percs = [50, 90, 95, 99]
70def fmt_float_list(ctx, num=1):
71 """ Return a comma separated list of float formatters to the required number
72 of decimal places. For instance:
74 fmt_float_list(ctx.decimals=4, num=3) == "%.4f, %.4f, %.4f"
75 """
76 return ', '.join(["%%.%df" % ctx.decimals] * num)
78# Default values - see beginning of main() for how we detect number columns in
79# the input files:
80__HIST_COLUMNS = 1216
84def read_chunk(rdr, sz):
85 """ Read the next chunk of size sz from the given reader. """
86 try:
87 """ StopIteration occurs when the pandas reader is empty, and AttributeError
88 occurs if rdr is None due to the file being empty. """
89 new_arr =
90 except (StopIteration, AttributeError):
91 return None
93 """ Extract array of just the times, and histograms matrix without times column. """
94 times, rws, szs = new_arr[:,0], new_arr[:,1], new_arr[:,2]
95 hists = new_arr[:,__NON_HIST_COLUMNS:]
96 times = times.reshape((len(times),1))
97 arr = np.append(times, hists, axis=1)
99 return arr
101def get_min(fps, arrs):
102 """ Find the file with the current first row with the smallest start time """
103 return min([fp for fp in fps if not arrs[fp] is None], key=lambda fp: arrs.get(fp)[0][0])
105def histogram_generator(ctx, fps, sz):
107 # Create a chunked pandas reader for each of the files:
108 rdrs = {}
109 for fp in fps:
110 try:
111 rdrs[fp] = pandas.read_csv(fp, dtype=int, header=None, chunksize=sz)
112 except ValueError as e:
113 if e.message == 'No columns to parse from file':
114 if ctx.warn: sys.stderr.write("WARNING: Empty input file encountered.\n")
115 rdrs[fp] = None
116 else:
117 raise(e)
119 # Initial histograms from disk:
120 arrs = {fp: read_chunk(rdr, sz) for fp,rdr in rdrs.items()}
121 while True:
123 try:
124 """ ValueError occurs when nothing more to read """
125 fp = get_min(fps, arrs)
126 except ValueError:
127 return
128 arr = arrs[fp]
129 yield np.insert(arr[0], 1, fps.index(fp))
130 arrs[fp] = arr[1:]
132 if arrs[fp].shape[0] == 0:
133 arrs[fp] = read_chunk(rdrs[fp], sz)
135def _plat_idx_to_val(idx, edge=0.5, FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS=6, FIO_IO_U_PLAT_VAL=64):
136 """ Taken from fio's stat.c for calculating the latency value of a bin
137 from that bin's index.
139 idx : the value of the index into the histogram bins
140 edge : fractional value in the range [0,1]** indicating how far into
141 the bin we wish to compute the latency value of.
143 ** edge = 0.0 and 1.0 computes the lower and upper latency bounds
144 respectively of the given bin index. """
146 # MSB <= (FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS-1), cannot be rounded off. Use
147 # all bits of the sample as index
148 if (idx < (FIO_IO_U_PLAT_VAL << 1)):
149 return idx
151 # Find the group and compute the minimum value of that group
152 error_bits = (idx >> FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS) - 1
153 base = 1 << (error_bits + FIO_IO_U_PLAT_BITS)
155 # Find its bucket number of the group
156 k = idx % FIO_IO_U_PLAT_VAL
158 # Return the mean (if edge=0.5) of the range of the bucket
159 return base + ((k + edge) * (1 << error_bits))
161def plat_idx_to_val_coarse(idx, coarseness, edge=0.5):
162 """ Converts the given *coarse* index into a non-coarse index as used by fio
163 in stat.h:plat_idx_to_val(), subsequently computing the appropriate
164 latency value for that bin.
165 """
167 # Multiply the index by the power of 2 coarseness to get the bin
168 # bin index with a max of 1536 bins (FIO_IO_U_PLAT_GROUP_NR = 24 in stat.h)
169 stride = 1 << coarseness
170 idx = idx * stride
171 lower = _plat_idx_to_val(idx, edge=0.0)
172 upper = _plat_idx_to_val(idx + stride, edge=1.0)
173 return lower + (upper - lower) * edge
175def print_all_stats(ctx, end, mn, ss_cnt, vs, ws, mx):
176 ps = weighted_percentile(percs, vs, ws)
178 avg = weighted_average(vs, ws)
179 values = [mn, avg] + list(ps) + [mx]
180 row = [end, ss_cnt] + [float(x) / ctx.divisor for x in values]
181 fmt = "%d, %d, %d, " + fmt_float_list(ctx, 5) + ", %d"
182 print (fmt % tuple(row))
184def update_extreme(val, fncn, new_val):
185 """ Calculate min / max in the presence of None values """
186 if val is None: return new_val
187 else: return fncn(val, new_val)
189# See beginning of main() for how bin_vals are computed
190bin_vals = []
191lower_bin_vals = [] # lower edge of each bin
192upper_bin_vals = [] # upper edge of each bin
194def process_interval(ctx, samples, iStart, iEnd):
195 """ Construct the weighted histogram for the given interval by scanning
196 through all the histograms and figuring out which of their bins have
197 samples with latencies which overlap with the given interval
198 [iStart,iEnd].
199 """
201 times, files, hists = samples[:,0], samples[:,1], samples[:,2:]
202 iHist = np.zeros(__HIST_COLUMNS)
203 ss_cnt = 0 # number of samples affecting this interval
204 mn_bin_val, mx_bin_val = None, None
206 for end_time,file,hist in zip(times,files,hists):
208 # Only look at bins of the current histogram sample which
209 # started before the end of the current time interval [start,end]
210 start_times = (end_time - 0.5 * ctx.interval) - bin_vals / 1000.0
211 idx = np.where(start_times < iEnd)
212 s_ts, l_bvs, u_bvs, hs = start_times[idx], lower_bin_vals[idx], upper_bin_vals[idx], hist[idx]
214 # Increment current interval histogram by weighted values of future histogram:
215 ws = hs * weights(s_ts, end_time, iStart, iEnd)
216 iHist[idx] += ws
218 # Update total number of samples affecting current interval histogram:
219 ss_cnt += np.sum(hs)
221 # Update min and max bin values seen if necessary:
222 idx = np.where(hs != 0)[0]
223 if idx.size > 0:
224 mn_bin_val = update_extreme(mn_bin_val, min, l_bvs[max(0, idx[0] - 1)])
225 mx_bin_val = update_extreme(mx_bin_val, max, u_bvs[min(len(hs) - 1, idx[-1] + 1)])
227 if ss_cnt > 0: print_all_stats(ctx, iEnd, mn_bin_val, ss_cnt, bin_vals, iHist, mx_bin_val)
229def guess_max_from_bins(ctx, hist_cols):
230 """ Try to guess the GROUP_NR from given # of histogram
231 columns seen in an input file """
232 max_coarse = 8
233 if ctx.group_nr < 19 or ctx.group_nr > 26:
234 bins = [ctx.group_nr * (1 << 6)]
235 else:
236 bins = [1216,1280,1344,1408,1472,1536,1600,1664]
237 coarses = range(max_coarse + 1)
238 fncn = lambda z: list(map(lambda x: z/2**x if z % 2**x == 0 else -10, coarses))
240 arr = np.transpose(list(map(fncn, bins)))
241 idx = np.where(arr == hist_cols)
242 if len(idx[1]) == 0:
243 table = repr(arr.astype(int)).replace('-10', 'N/A').replace('array',' ')
244 err("Unable to determine bin values from input clat_hist files. Namely \n"
245 "the first line of file '%s' " % ctx.FILE[0] + "has %d \n" % (__TOTAL_COLUMNS,) +
246 "columns of which we assume %d " % (hist_cols,) + "correspond to histogram bins. \n"
247 "This number needs to be equal to one of the following numbers:\n\n"
248 + table + "\n\n"
249 "Possible reasons and corresponding solutions:\n"
250 " - Input file(s) does not contain histograms.\n"
251 " - You recompiled fio with a different GROUP_NR. If so please specify this\n"
252 " new GROUP_NR on the command line with --group_nr\n")
253 exit(1)
254 return bins[idx[1][0]]
256def main(ctx):
258 if ctx.job_file:
259 try:
260 from configparser import SafeConfigParser, NoOptionError
261 except ImportError:
262 from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser, NoOptionError
264 cp = SafeConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
265 with open(ctx.job_file, 'r') as fp:
266 cp.readfp(fp)
268 if ctx.interval is None:
269 # Auto detect --interval value
270 for s in cp.sections():
271 try:
272 hist_msec = cp.get(s, 'log_hist_msec')
273 if hist_msec is not None:
274 ctx.interval = int(hist_msec)
275 except NoOptionError:
276 pass
278 if ctx.interval is None:
279 ctx.interval = 1000
281 # Automatically detect how many columns are in the input files,
282 # calculate the corresponding 'coarseness' parameter used to generate
283 # those files, and calculate the appropriate bin latency values:
284 with open(ctx.FILE[0], 'r') as fp:
285 global bin_vals,lower_bin_vals,upper_bin_vals,__HIST_COLUMNS,__TOTAL_COLUMNS
286 __TOTAL_COLUMNS = len(fp.readline().split(','))
289 max_cols = guess_max_from_bins(ctx, __HIST_COLUMNS)
290 coarseness = int(np.log2(float(max_cols) / __HIST_COLUMNS))
291 bin_vals = np.array([plat_idx_to_val_coarse(x, coarseness) for x in np.arange(__HIST_COLUMNS)], dtype=float)
292 lower_bin_vals = np.array([plat_idx_to_val_coarse(x, coarseness, 0.0) for x in np.arange(__HIST_COLUMNS)], dtype=float)
293 upper_bin_vals = np.array([plat_idx_to_val_coarse(x, coarseness, 1.0) for x in np.arange(__HIST_COLUMNS)], dtype=float)
295 fps = [open(f, 'r') for f in ctx.FILE]
296 gen = histogram_generator(ctx, fps, ctx.buff_size)
298 print(', '.join(columns))
300 try:
301 start, end = 0, ctx.interval
302 arr = np.empty(shape=(0,__TOTAL_COLUMNS - 1))
303 more_data = True
304 while more_data or len(arr) > 0:
306 # Read up to ctx.max_latency (default 20 seconds) of data from end of current interval.
307 while len(arr) == 0 or arr[-1][0] < ctx.max_latency * 1000 + end:
308 try:
309 new_arr = next(gen)
310 except StopIteration:
311 more_data = False
312 break
313 arr = np.append(arr, new_arr.reshape((1,__TOTAL_COLUMNS - 1)), axis=0)
314 arr = arr.astype(int)
316 if arr.size > 0:
317 # Jump immediately to the start of the input, rounding
318 # down to the nearest multiple of the interval (useful when --log_unix_epoch
319 # was used to create these histograms):
320 if start == 0 and arr[0][0] - ctx.max_latency > end:
321 start = arr[0][0] - ctx.max_latency
322 start = start - (start % ctx.interval)
323 end = start + ctx.interval
325 process_interval(ctx, arr, start, end)
327 # Update arr to throw away samples we no longer need - samples which
328 # end before the start of the next interval, i.e. the end of the
329 # current interval:
330 idx = np.where(arr[:,0] > end)
331 arr = arr[idx]
333 start += ctx.interval
334 end = start + ctx.interval
335 finally:
336 for fp in fps:
337 fp.close()
340if __name__ == '__main__':
341 import argparse
342 p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
343 arg = p.add_argument
344 arg("FILE", help='space separated list of latency log filenames', nargs='+')
345 arg('--buff_size',
346 default=10000,
347 type=int,
348 help='number of samples to buffer into numpy at a time')
350 arg('--max_latency',
351 default=20,
352 type=float,
353 help='number of seconds of data to process at a time')
355 arg('-i', '--interval',
356 type=int,
357 help='interval width (ms), default 1000 ms')
359 arg('-d', '--divisor',
360 required=False,
361 type=int,
362 default=1,
363 help='divide the results by this value.')
365 arg('--decimals',
366 default=3,
367 type=int,
368 help='number of decimal places to print floats to')
370 arg('--warn',
371 dest='warn',
372 action='store_true',
373 default=False,
374 help='print warning messages to stderr')
376 arg('--group_nr',
377 default=29,
378 type=int,
379 help='FIO_IO_U_PLAT_GROUP_NR as defined in stat.h')
381 arg('--job-file',
382 default=None,
383 type=str,
384 help='Optional argument pointing to the job file used to create the '
385 'given histogram files. Useful for auto-detecting --log_hist_msec and '
386 '--log_unix_epoch (in fio) values.')
388 main(p.parse_args())