ci: install sphinx packages and add doc building to GitHub Actions
[fio.git] / os / windows / install.wxs
... / ...
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<Wix xmlns="">
4 <?if $(sys.BUILDARCH) = x86 ?>
5 <?define ProgramDirectory = ProgramFilesFolder ?>
6 <?else?>
7 <?define ProgramDirectory = ProgramFiles64Folder ?>
8 <?endif?>
10 <Product Id="*"
11 Codepage="1252" Language="1033"
12 Manufacturer="fio" Name="fio"
13 UpgradeCode="2338A332-5511-43CF-B9BD-5C60496CCFCC" Version="$(var.FioVersionNumbers)">
14 <Package
15 Description="Flexible I/O Tester"
16 InstallerVersion="301" Keywords="Installer,MSI,Database"
17 Languages="1033" Manufacturer="fio"
18 InstallScope="perMachine" InstallPrivileges="elevated" Compressed="yes"/>
20 <Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes" CompressionLevel="high"/>
22 <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
23 <Directory Id="$(var.ProgramDirectory)">
24 <Directory Id="INSTALLDIR">
25 <Directory Id="fio" Name="fio">
26 <Component>
27 <File Source="..\..\fio.exe"/>
28 <Environment Action="set" Part="last" Id="PATH" Name="PATH" Value="[INSTALLDIR]fio\" System="yes"/>
29 </Component>
30 <?if $(var.FioPDB) = true?>
31 <Component>
32 <File Id="fio.pdb" Name="fio.pdb" Source="..\..\fio.pdb"/>
33 </Component>
34 <?endif?>
35 <Component>
36 <File Id="README" Name="README.txt" Source="..\..\README"/>
37 </Component>
38 <Component>
39 <File Id="REPORTING_BUGS" Name="REPORTING-BUGS.txt" Source="..\..\REPORTING-BUGS"/>
40 </Component>
41 <Component>
42 <File Id="HOWTO" Name="HOWTO.txt" Source="..\..\HOWTO"/>
43 </Component>
44 <Component>
45 <File Id="COPYING" Name="COPYING.txt" Source="..\..\COPYING"/>
46 </Component>
47 <Component>
48 <File Id="MORAL_LICENSE" Name="MORAL-LICENSE.txt" Source="..\..\MORAL-LICENSE"/>
49 </Component>
50 <Directory Id="examples" Name="examples"/>
51 <Directory Id="tests" Name="tests">
52 <Component>
53 <File Source="../../t/fio-genzipf.exe"/>
54 </Component>
55 <Component>
56 <File Source="../../t/fio-dedupe.exe"/>
57 </Component>
58 <Component>
59 <File Source="../../t/stest.exe"/>
60 </Component>
61 <Component>
62 <File Source="../../t/ieee754.exe"/>
63 </Component>
64 <Component>
65 <File Source="../../t/axmap.exe"/>
66 </Component>
67 <Component>
68 <File Source="../../t/lfsr-test.exe"/>
69 </Component>
70 <Component>
71 <File Source="../../t/gen-rand.exe"/>
72 </Component>
73 <Component>
74 <File Source="../../t/fio-verify-state.exe"/>
75 </Component>
76 </Directory>
77 </Directory>
78 </Directory>
79 </Directory>
80 </Directory>
82 <Feature Id="AlwaysInstall" Absent="disallow" ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR" Display="hidden" Level="1" Title="Flexible I/O Tester">
83 <ComponentRef Id="fio.exe"/>
84 <?if $(var.FioPDB) = true?>
85 <ComponentRef Id="fio.pdb"/>
86 <?endif?>
87 <ComponentRef Id="HOWTO"/>
88 <ComponentRef Id="README"/>
89 <ComponentRef Id="REPORTING_BUGS"/>
90 <ComponentRef Id="COPYING"/>
91 <ComponentRef Id="MORAL_LICENSE"/>
92 <ComponentGroupRef Id="examples"/>
93 <ComponentRef Id="fio_genzipf.exe"/>
94 <ComponentRef Id="fio_dedupe.exe"/>
95 <ComponentRef Id="stest.exe"/>
96 <ComponentRef Id="ieee754.exe"/>
97 <ComponentRef Id="axmap.exe"/>
98 <ComponentRef Id="lfsr_test.exe"/>
99 <ComponentRef Id="gen_rand.exe"/>
100 <ComponentRef Id="fio_verify_state.exe"/>
101 </Feature>
103 <Property Id="ARPURLINFOABOUT" Value="" />
104 <Property Id='ARPCONTACT'></Property>
105 <Property Id='ARPHELPLINK'></Property>
106 <Property Id='ARPURLUPDATEINFO'></Property>
108 <WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Value="eula.rtf" />
110 <UIRef Id="WixUI_Minimal_NoEULA"/>
112 <MajorUpgrade AllowDowngrades="no" DowngradeErrorMessage="A newer version of the application is already installed."
113 AllowSameVersionUpgrades="yes"/>