Fix compile warnings on Windows
[fio.git] / os / windows / install.wxs
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\r
2 <Wix xmlns="">\r
3 \r
4         <?if $(env.FIO_ARCH) = x86 ?>\r
5                 <?define ProgramDirectory = ProgramFilesFolder ?>\r
6         <?else?>\r
7                 <?define ProgramDirectory = ProgramFiles64Folder ?>\r
8         <?endif?>\r
9 \r
10         <Product Id="F9883688-6AB3-4BD1-AB93-91D39F12F003"\r
11           Codepage="1252" Language="1033"\r
12           Manufacturer="fio" Name="fio"\r
13           UpgradeCode="2338A332-5511-43cf-b9BD-5C60496CCFCC" Version="2.0.13">\r
14                 <Package\r
15                   Comments="Contact: Your local administrator"\r
16                   Description="Flexible IO Tester"\r
17                   InstallerVersion="200" Keywords="Installer,MSI,Database"\r
18                   Languages="1033" Manufacturer="fio"\r
19                   InstallScope="perMachine" InstallPrivileges="elevated" Compressed="yes"/>\r
20 \r
21                 <Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes" CompressionLevel="high"/>\r
22 \r
23                 <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">\r
24                         <Directory Id="$(var.ProgramDirectory)">\r
25                                 <Directory Id="INSTALLDIR">\r
26                                         <Directory Id="fio" Name="fio">\r
27                                                 <Component>\r
28                                                         <File Source="..\..\fio.exe"/>\r
29                                                 </Component>\r
30                                                 <Component>\r
31                                                         <File KeyPath="yes" Source="..\..\pthreadGC2.dll"/>\r
32                                                 </Component>\r
33                                                 <Component>\r
34                                                         <File Id="README" Name="README.rtf" Source="..\..\README"/>\r
35                                                 </Component>\r
36                                                 <Component>\r
37                                                         <File Id="REPORTING_BUGS" Name="REPORTING-BUGS.rtf" Source="..\..\REPORTING-BUGS"/>\r
38                                                 </Component>\r
39                                                 <Component>\r
40                                                         <File Id="HOWTO" Name="HOWTO.rtf" Source="..\..\HOWTO"/>\r
41                                                 </Component>\r
42                                                 <Component>\r
43                                                         <File Id="COPYING" Name="COPYING.rtf" Source="..\..\COPYING"/>\r
44                                                 </Component>\r
45                                                 <Directory Id="examples" Name="examples"/>\r
46                                         </Directory>\r
47                                 </Directory>\r
48                         </Directory>\r
49         </Directory>\r
50 \r
51         <Feature Id="AlwaysInstall" Absent="disallow" ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR" Display="hidden" Level="1" Title="Flexible IO Tester">\r
52                 <ComponentRef Id="fio.exe"/>\r
53                 <ComponentRef Id="pthreadGC2.dll"/>\r
54                 <ComponentRef Id="HOWTO"/>\r
55                 <ComponentRef Id="README"/>\r
56                 <ComponentRef Id="REPORTING_BUGS"/>\r
57                 <ComponentRef Id="COPYING"/>\r
58                 <ComponentGroupRef Id="examples"/>\r
59         </Feature>\r
60 \r
61         <Property Id="ARPURLINFOABOUT" Value="" />\r
62         <Property Id='ARPCONTACT'></Property>\r
63         <Property Id='ARPHELPLINK'></Property>\r
64         <Property Id='ARPURLUPDATEINFO'></Property>\r
65 \r
66         <WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Value="eula.rtf" />\r
67 \r
68         <UIRef Id="WixUI_Minimal"/>\r
69 \r
70         <Condition Message="Per-user installations are not supported">\r
71                 Installed OR\r
72                 ALLUSERS=1\r
73         </Condition>\r
74 \r
75         <MajorUpgrade AllowDowngrades="no" DowngradeErrorMessage="A newer version of the application is already installed."/>\r
76 </Product>\r
77 </Wix>\r