Revert "filesetup: don't call create_work_dirs() for ioengine with FIO_DISKLESSIO"
[fio.git] / .travis.yml
1 language: c
2 os:
3   - linux
4 compiler:
5   - clang
6   - gcc
7 env:
8   matrix:
9     - BUILD_ARCH="x86"
10     - BUILD_ARCH="x86_64"
11   global:
12     - MAKEFLAGS="-j 2"
13 matrix:
14   include:
15     - os: osx
16       compiler: clang # Workaround travis setting CC=["clang", "gcc"]
17       env: BUILD_ARCH="x86_64"
18     # Build using the 10.12 SDK but target and run on OSX 10.11
19 #   - os: osx
20 #     compiler: clang
21 #     osx_image: xcode8
22 #     env: SDKROOT=/Applications/ MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.11
23     # Build on the latest OSX version (will eventually become obsolete)
24     - os: osx
25       compiler: clang
26       osx_image: xcode8.3
27       env: BUILD_ARCH="x86_64"
28     - os: osx
29       compiler: clang
30       osx_image: xcode9.4
31       env: BUILD_ARCH="x86_64"
32   exclude:
33     - os: osx
34       compiler: gcc
35   exclude:
36     - os: linux
37       compiler: clang
38       env: BUILD_ARCH="x86" # Only do the gcc x86 build to reduce clutter
39 before_install:
40   - EXTRA_CFLAGS="-Werror"
41   - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then
42         pkgs=(libaio-dev libnuma-dev libz-dev librbd-dev libibverbs-dev librdmacm-dev);
43         if [[ "$BUILD_ARCH" == "x86" ]]; then
44             pkgs=("${pkgs[@]/%/:i386}");
45             pkgs+=(gcc-multilib);
46             EXTRA_CFLAGS="${EXTRA_CFLAGS} -m32";
47         else
48             pkgs+=(glusterfs-common);
49         fi;
50         sudo apt-get -qq update;
51         sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -qq -y "${pkgs[@]}";
52     fi
53 script:
54   - ./configure --extra-cflags="${EXTRA_CFLAGS}" && make
55   - make test