fio2gnuplot: Don't plot fake data
[fio.git] / tools / plot /
... / ...
3# Copyright (C) 2013 eNovance SAS <>
4# Author: Erwan Velu <>
6# The license below covers all files distributed with fio unless otherwise
7# noted in the file itself.
9# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
11# published by the Free Software Foundation.
13# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16# GNU General Public License for more details.
18# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
22import os
23import fnmatch
24import sys
25import getopt
26import re
27import math
29def find_file(path, pattern):
30 fio_data_file=[]
31 # For all the local files
32 for file in os.listdir(path):
33 # If the file math the regexp
34 if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, pattern):
35 # Let's consider this file
36 fio_data_file.append(file)
38 return fio_data_file
40def generate_gnuplot_script(fio_data_file,title,gnuplot_output_filename,mode,disk_perf):
41 f=open("mygraph",'w')
42 if len(fio_data_file) > 1:
43 f.write("call \'graph3D.gpm\' \'%s' \'%s\' \'\' \'%s\' \'%s\'\n" % (title,gnuplot_output_filename,gnuplot_output_filename,mode))
45 pos=0
46 # Let's create a temporary file for each selected fio file
47 for file in fio_data_file:
48 tmp_filename = "gnuplot_temp_file.%d" % pos
49 png_file=file.replace('.log','')
50 raw_filename = "%s-2Draw" % (png_file)
51 smooth_filename = "%s-2Dsmooth" % (png_file)
52 trend_filename = "%s-2Dtrend" % (png_file)
53 avg = average(disk_perf[pos])
54 f.write("call \'graph2D.gpm\' \'%s' \'%s\' \'\' \'%s\' \'%s\' \'%s\' \'%s\' \'%f\'\n" % (title,tmp_filename,raw_filename,mode,smooth_filename,trend_filename,avg))
55 pos = pos +1
57 f.close()
59def generate_gnuplot_math_script(title,gnuplot_output_filename,mode,average):
60 f=open("mymath",'a')
61 f.write("call \'math.gpm\' \'%s' \'%s\' \'\' \'%s\' \'%s\' %s\n" % (title,gnuplot_output_filename,gnuplot_output_filename,mode,average))
62 f.close()
64def compute_aggregated_file(fio_data_file, gnuplot_output_filename):
65 temp_files=[]
66 pos=0
67 # Let's create a temporary file for each selected fio file
68 for file in fio_data_file:
69 tmp_filename = "gnuplot_temp_file.%d" % pos
70 temp_files.append(open(tmp_filename,'r'))
71 pos = pos +1
73 f = open(gnuplot_output_filename, "w")
74 index=0
75 # Let's add some information
76 for tempfile in temp_files:
77 f.write("# Disk%d was coming from %s\n" % (index,fio_data_file[index]))
78 f.write(
79 f.write("\n")
80 tempfile.close()
81 index = index + 1
82 f.close()
84def average(s): return sum(s) * 1.0 / len(s)
86def compute_temp_file(fio_data_file,disk_perf):
87 files=[]
88 temp_outfile=[]
89 blk_size=0
90 for file in fio_data_file:
91 files.append(open(file))
92 pos = len(files) - 1
93 tmp_filename = "gnuplot_temp_file.%d" % pos
94 gnuplot_file=open(tmp_filename,'w')
95 temp_outfile.append(gnuplot_file)
96 gnuplot_file.write("#Temporary file based on file %s\n" % file)
97 disk_perf.append([])
99 shall_break = False
100 while True:
101 current_line=[]
102 nb_empty_files=0
103 nb_files=len(files)
104 for file in files:
105 s=file.readline().replace(',',' ').split()
106 if not s:
107 nb_empty_files+=1
108 s="-1, 0, 0, 0'".replace(',',' ').split()
110 if (nb_empty_files == nb_files):
111 shall_break=True
112 break;
114 current_line.append(s);
116 if shall_break == True:
117 break
119 last_time = -1
120 index=0
121 perfs=[]
122 for line in current_line:
123 time, perf, x, block_size = line
124 if (blk_size == 0):
125 blk_size=int(block_size)
127 # We ignore the first 500msec as it doesn't seems to be part of the real benchmark
128 # Time < 500 usually reports BW=0 breaking the min computing
129 if (((int(time)) > 500) or (int(time)==-1)):
130 disk_perf[index].append(int(perf))
131 perfs.append("%s %s"% (time, perf))
132 index = index + 1
134 # If we reach this point, it means that all the traces are coherent
135 for p in enumerate(perfs):
136 perf_time,perf = p[1].split()
137 if (perf_time != "-1"):
138 temp_outfile[p[0]].write("%s %.2f %s\n" % (p[0], float(float(perf_time)/1000), perf))
141 for file in files:
142 file.close()
143 for file in temp_outfile:
144 file.close()
145 return blk_size
147def compute_math(fio_data_file, title,gnuplot_output_filename,mode,disk_perf):
148 global_min=[]
149 global_max=[]
150 average_file=open(gnuplot_output_filename+'.average', 'w')
151 min_file=open(gnuplot_output_filename+'.min', 'w')
152 max_file=open(gnuplot_output_filename+'.max', 'w')
153 stddev_file=open(gnuplot_output_filename+'.stddev', 'w')
154 global_file=open(gnuplot_output_filename+'.global','w')
156 min_file.write('DiskName %s\n' % mode)
157 max_file.write('DiskName %s\n'% mode)
158 average_file.write('DiskName %s\n'% mode)
159 stddev_file.write('DiskName %s\n'% mode )
160 for disk in xrange(len(fio_data_file)):
161# print disk_perf[disk]
162 min_file.write("# Disk%d was coming from %s\n" % (disk,fio_data_file[disk]))
163 max_file.write("# Disk%d was coming from %s\n" % (disk,fio_data_file[disk]))
164 average_file.write("# Disk%d was coming from %s\n" % (disk,fio_data_file[disk]))
165 stddev_file.write("# Disk%d was coming from %s\n" % (disk,fio_data_file[disk]))
166 avg = average(disk_perf[disk])
167 variance = map(lambda x: (x - avg)**2, disk_perf[disk])
168 standard_deviation = math.sqrt(average(variance))
169# print "Disk%d [ min=%.2f max=%.2f avg=%.2f stddev=%.2f \n" % (disk,min(disk_perf[disk]),max(disk_perf[disk]),avg, standard_deviation)
170 average_file.write('%d %d\n' % (disk, avg))
171 stddev_file.write('%d %d\n' % (disk, standard_deviation))
172 local_min=min(disk_perf[disk])
173 local_max=max(disk_perf[disk])
174 min_file.write('%d %d\n' % (disk, local_min))
175 max_file.write('%d %d\n' % (disk, local_max))
176 global_min.append(int(local_min))
177 global_max.append(int(local_max))
179 global_disk_perf = sum(disk_perf, [])
180 avg = average(global_disk_perf)
181 variance = map(lambda x: (x - avg)**2, global_disk_perf)
182 standard_deviation = math.sqrt(average(variance))
184 global_file.write('min=%.2f\n' % min(global_disk_perf))
185 global_file.write('max=%.2f\n' % max(global_disk_perf))
186 global_file.write('avg=%.2f\n' % avg)
187 global_file.write('stddev=%.2f\n' % standard_deviation)
188 global_file.write('values_count=%d\n' % len(global_disk_perf))
189 global_file.write('disks_count=%d\n' % len(fio_data_file))
190 #print "Global [ min=%.2f max=%.2f avg=%.2f stddev=%.2f \n" % (min(global_disk_perf),max(global_disk_perf),avg, standard_deviation)
192 average_file.close()
193 min_file.close()
194 max_file.close()
195 stddev_file.close()
196 global_file.close()
197 try:
198 os.remove('mymath')
199 except:
200 True
202 generate_gnuplot_math_script("Average values of "+title,gnuplot_output_filename+'.average',mode,int(avg))
203 generate_gnuplot_math_script("Min values of "+title,gnuplot_output_filename+'.min',mode,average(global_min))
204 generate_gnuplot_math_script("Max values of "+title,gnuplot_output_filename+'.max',mode,average(global_max))
205 generate_gnuplot_math_script("Standard Deviation of "+title,gnuplot_output_filename+'.stddev',mode,int(standard_deviation))
207def parse_global_files(fio_data_file, global_search):
208 max_result=0
209 max_file=''
210 for file in fio_data_file:
211 f=open(file)
212 disk_count=0
213 search_value=-1
215 # Let's read the complete file
216 while True:
217 try:
218 # We do split the name from the value
219 name,value=f.readline().split("=")
220 except:
221 f.close()
222 break
223 # If we ended the file
224 if not name:
225 # Let's process what we have
226 f.close()
227 break
228 else:
229 # disks_count is not global_search item
230 # As we need it for some computation, let's save it
231 if name=="disks_count":
232 disks_count=int(value)
234 # Let's catch the searched item
235 if global_search in name:
236 search_value=float(value)
238 # Let's process the avg value by estimated the global bandwidth per file
239 # We keep the biggest in memory for reporting
240 if global_search == "avg":
241 if (disks_count > 0) and (search_value != -1):
242 result=disks_count*search_value
243 if (result > max_result):
244 max_result=result
245 max_file=file
246 # Let's print the avg output
247 if global_search == "avg":
248 print "Biggest aggregated value of %s was %2.f in file %s\n" % (global_search, max_result, max_file)
249 else:
250 print "Global search %s is not yet implemented\n" % global_search
252def render_gnuplot():
253 print "Running gnuplot Rendering\n"
254 try:
255 os.system("gnuplot mymath")
256 os.system("gnuplot mygraph")
257 except:
258 print "Could not run gnuplot on mymath or mygraph !\n"
259 sys.exit(1);
261def print_help():
262 print ' -ghbio -t <title> -o <outputfile> -p <pattern>'
263 print
264 print '-h --help : Print this help'
265 print '-p <pattern> or --pattern <pattern> : A pattern in regexp to select fio input files'
266 print '-b or --bandwidth : A predefined pattern for selecting *_bw.log files'
267 print '-i or --iops : A predefined pattern for selecting *_iops.log files'
268 print '-g or --gnuplot : Render gnuplot traces before exiting'
269 print '-o or --outputfile <file> : The basename for gnuplot traces'
270 print ' - Basename is set with the pattern if defined'
271 print '-t or --title <title> : The title of the gnuplot traces'
272 print ' - Title is set with the block size detected in fio traces'
273 print '-G or --Global <type> : Search for <type> in .global files match by a pattern'
274 print ' - Available types are : min, max, avg, stddev'
275 print ' - The .global extension is added automatically to the pattern'
277def main(argv):
278 mode='unknown'
279 pattern=''
280 pattern_set_by_user=False
281 title='No title'
282 gnuplot_output_filename='result'
283 disk_perf=[]
284 run_gnuplot=False
285 parse_global=False
286 global_search=''
288 try:
289 opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:],"ghbio:t:p:G:")
290 except getopt.GetoptError:
291 print_help()
292 sys.exit(2)
294 for opt, arg in opts:
295 if opt in ("-b", "--bandwidth"):
296 pattern='*_bw.log'
297 elif opt in ("-i", "--iops"):
298 pattern='*_iops.log'
299 elif opt in ("-p", "--pattern"):
300 pattern_set_by_user=True
301 pattern=arg
302 pattern=pattern.replace('\\','')
303 elif opt in ("-o", "--outputfile"):
304 gnuplot_output_filename=arg
305 elif opt in ("-t", "--title"):
306 title=arg
307 elif opt in ("-g", "--gnuplot"):
308 run_gnuplot=True
309 elif opt in ("-G", "--Global"):
310 parse_global=True
311 global_search=arg
312 elif opt in ("-h", "--help"):
313 print_help()
314 sys.exit(1)
316 # Adding .global extension to the file
317 if parse_global==True:
318 if not gnuplot_output_filename.endswith('.global'):
319 pattern = pattern+'.global'
321 fio_data_file=find_file('.',pattern)
322 if len(fio_data_file) == 0:
323 print "No log file found with pattern %s!" % pattern
324 sys.exit(1)
326 fio_data_file=sorted(fio_data_file, key=str.lower)
327 for file in fio_data_file:
328 print 'Selected %s' % file
329 if "_bw.log" in file :
330 mode="Bandwidth (KB/sec)"
331 if "_iops.log" in file :
332 mode="IO per Seconds (IO/sec)"
333 if (title == 'No title') and (mode != 'unknown'):
334 if "Bandwidth" in mode:
335 title='Bandwidth benchmark with %d fio results' % len(fio_data_file)
336 if "IO" in mode:
337 title='IO benchmark with %d fio results' % len(fio_data_file)
339 #We need to adjust the output filename regarding the pattern required by the user
340 if (pattern_set_by_user == True):
341 gnuplot_output_filename=pattern
342 # As we do have some regexp in the pattern, let's make this simpliest
343 # We do remove the simpliest parts of the expression to get a clear file name
344 gnuplot_output_filename=gnuplot_output_filename.replace('-*-','-')
345 gnuplot_output_filename=gnuplot_output_filename.replace('*','-')
346 gnuplot_output_filename=gnuplot_output_filename.replace('--','-')
347 gnuplot_output_filename=gnuplot_output_filename.replace('.log','')
348 # Insure that we don't have any starting or trailing dash to the filename
349 gnuplot_output_filename = gnuplot_output_filename[:-1] if gnuplot_output_filename.endswith('-') else gnuplot_output_filename
350 gnuplot_output_filename = gnuplot_output_filename[1:] if gnuplot_output_filename.startswith('-') else gnuplot_output_filename
352 if parse_global==True:
353 parse_global_files(fio_data_file, global_search)
354 else:
355 blk_size=compute_temp_file(fio_data_file,disk_perf)
356 title="%s @ Blocksize = %dK" % (title,blk_size/1024)
357 compute_aggregated_file(fio_data_file, gnuplot_output_filename)
358 compute_math(fio_data_file,title,gnuplot_output_filename,mode,disk_perf)
359 generate_gnuplot_script(fio_data_file,title,gnuplot_output_filename,mode,disk_perf)
361 if (run_gnuplot==True):
362 render_gnuplot()
364 # Cleaning temporary files
365 try:
366 os.remove('gnuplot_temp_file.*')
367 except:
368 True
371if __name__ == "__main__":
372 sys.exit(main(sys.argv))