clone_depth: 1 # NB: this stops FIO-VERSION-GEN making tag based versions image: - Visual Studio 2019 environment: CYG_MIRROR: matrix: # --disable-tls for the msys2 build to work around # breakage with clang/lld 16.0.0-1 - ARCHITECTURE: x64 CC: clang CONFIGURE_OPTIONS: --enable-pdb --disable-tls DISTRO: msys2 # Skip 32 bit clang build # - ARCHITECTURE: x86 # CC: clang # CONFIGURE_OPTIONS: --enable-pdb # DISTRO: msys2 - ARCHITECTURE: x64 CONFIGURE_OPTIONS: DISTRO: cygwin - ARCHITECTURE: x86 CONFIGURE_OPTIONS: --build-32bit-win DISTRO: cygwin install: - if %DISTRO%==cygwin ( SET "PATH=C:\cygwin64\bin;C:\cygwin64;%PATH%" ) - if %DISTRO%==msys2 if %ARCHITECTURE%==x86 ( SET "PATH=C:\msys64\mingw32\bin;C:\msys64\usr\bin;%PATH%" ) - if %DISTRO%==msys2 if %ARCHITECTURE%==x64 ( SET "PATH=C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;C:\msys64\usr\bin;%PATH%" ) - SET PATH=C:\Python38-x64;%PATH% # NB: Changed env variables persist to later sections - SET PYTHONUNBUFFERED=TRUE - bash.exe ci\ build_script: - bash.exe configure --extra-cflags=-Werror --disable-native %CONFIGURE_OPTIONS% - make.exe -j2 after_build: - file.exe fio.exe - make.exe test - 'cd os\windows && dobuild.cmd %ARCHITECTURE% && cd ..' - ls.exe ./os/windows/*.msi - ps: Get-ChildItem .\os\windows\*.msi | % { Push-AppveyorArtifact $_.FullName -FileName $_.Name -DeploymentName fio.msi } test_script: - python.exe t/ --artifact-root test-artifacts --debug deploy: - provider: GitHub description: fio Windows installer auth_token: # encrypted token from GitHub secure: Tjj+xRQEV25P6dQgboUblTCKx/LtUOUav2bvzSCtwMhHMAxrrn2adod6nlTf0ItV artifact: fio.msi # upload installer to release assets draft: false prerelease: false on: APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG: true # deploy on tag push only DISTRO: cygwin on_finish: - 'bash.exe -lc "cd \"${APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER}\" && [ -d test-artifacts ] && 7z a -t7z test-artifacts.7z test-artifacts -xr!foo.0.0 -xr!latency.?.0 -xr!fio_jsonplus_clat2csv.test && appveyor PushArtifact test-artifacts.7z'