; README ; ; This job-file is intended to be used either as: ; ; # Use the xNVMe io-engine engine io_uring_cmd async. impl. ; fio examples/xnvme-fdp.fio \ ; --section=default \ ; --ioengine=xnvme \ ; --xnvme_async=io_uring_cmd \ ; --filename=/dev/ng0n1 ; ; # Use the xNVMe io-engine engine with nvme sync. impl. ; fio examples/xnvme-fdp.fio \ ; --section=default \ ; --ioengine=xnvme \ ; --xnvme_sync=nvme \ ; --filename=/dev/ng0n1 ; ; # Use the xNVMe io-engine engine with SPDK backend, note that you have to set the Namespace-id ; fio examples/xnvme-fdp.fio \ ; --section=default \ ; --ioengine=xnvme \ ; --xnvme_dev_nsid=1 \ ; --filename=0000\\:01\\:00.0 ; ; NOTE: The URI encoded in the filename above, the ":" must be escaped. ; ; On the command-line using two "\\": ; ; --filename=0000\\:01\\:00.0 ; ; Within a fio-script using a single "\": ; ; filename=0000\:01\:00.0 ; ; NOTE: If you want to override the default bs, iodepth, and workload, then ; invoke it as: ; ; FIO_BS="512" FIO_RW="read" FIO_IODEPTH=16 fio examples/xnvme-fdp.fio \ ; --section=override --ioengine=xnvme --xnvme_sync=nvme --filename=/dev/ng0n1 ; [global] rw=randwrite size=2M iodepth=1 bs=4K thread=1 fdp=1 fdp_pli=4,5 [default] [override] rw=${FIO_RW} iodepth=${FIO_IODEPTH} bs=${FIO_BS}