ALSA: timer: Limit max amount of slave instances
[linux-2.6-block.git] / Documentation / filesystems / fsverity.rst
1.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
3.. _fsverity:
6fs-verity: read-only file-based authenticity protection
12fs-verity (``fs/verity/``) is a support layer that filesystems can
13hook into to support transparent integrity and authenticity protection
14of read-only files. Currently, it is supported by the ext4 and f2fs
15filesystems. Like fscrypt, not too much filesystem-specific code is
16needed to support fs-verity.
18fs-verity is similar to `dm-verity
20but works on files rather than block devices. On regular files on
21filesystems supporting fs-verity, userspace can execute an ioctl that
22causes the filesystem to build a Merkle tree for the file and persist
23it to a filesystem-specific location associated with the file.
25After this, the file is made readonly, and all reads from the file are
26automatically verified against the file's Merkle tree. Reads of any
27corrupted data, including mmap reads, will fail.
29Userspace can use another ioctl to retrieve the root hash (actually
30the "file measurement", which is a hash that includes the root hash)
31that fs-verity is enforcing for the file. This ioctl executes in
32constant time, regardless of the file size.
34fs-verity is essentially a way to hash a file in constant time,
35subject to the caveat that reads which would violate the hash will
36fail at runtime.
38Use cases
41By itself, the base fs-verity feature only provides integrity
42protection, i.e. detection of accidental (non-malicious) corruption.
44However, because fs-verity makes retrieving the file hash extremely
45efficient, it's primarily meant to be used as a tool to support
46authentication (detection of malicious modifications) or auditing
47(logging file hashes before use).
49Trusted userspace code (e.g. operating system code running on a
50read-only partition that is itself authenticated by dm-verity) can
51authenticate the contents of an fs-verity file by using the
52`FS_IOC_MEASURE_VERITY`_ ioctl to retrieve its hash, then verifying a
53digital signature of it.
55A standard file hash could be used instead of fs-verity. However,
56this is inefficient if the file is large and only a small portion may
57be accessed. This is often the case for Android application package
58(APK) files, for example. These typically contain many translations,
59classes, and other resources that are infrequently or even never
60accessed on a particular device. It would be slow and wasteful to
61read and hash the entire file before starting the application.
63Unlike an ahead-of-time hash, fs-verity also re-verifies data each
64time it's paged in. This ensures that malicious disk firmware can't
65undetectably change the contents of the file at runtime.
67fs-verity does not replace or obsolete dm-verity. dm-verity should
68still be used on read-only filesystems. fs-verity is for files that
69must live on a read-write filesystem because they are independently
70updated and potentially user-installed, so dm-verity cannot be used.
72The base fs-verity feature is a hashing mechanism only; actually
73authenticating the files is up to userspace. However, to meet some
74users' needs, fs-verity optionally supports a simple signature
75verification mechanism where users can configure the kernel to require
76that all fs-verity files be signed by a key loaded into a keyring; see
77`Built-in signature verification`_. Support for fs-verity file hashes
78in IMA (Integrity Measurement Architecture) policies is also planned.
80User API
86The FS_IOC_ENABLE_VERITY ioctl enables fs-verity on a file. It takes
87in a pointer to a :c:type:`struct fsverity_enable_arg`, defined as
90 struct fsverity_enable_arg {
91 __u32 version;
92 __u32 hash_algorithm;
93 __u32 block_size;
94 __u32 salt_size;
95 __u64 salt_ptr;
96 __u32 sig_size;
97 __u32 __reserved1;
98 __u64 sig_ptr;
99 __u64 __reserved2[11];
100 };
102This structure contains the parameters of the Merkle tree to build for
103the file, and optionally contains a signature. It must be initialized
104as follows:
106- ``version`` must be 1.
107- ``hash_algorithm`` must be the identifier for the hash algorithm to
108 use for the Merkle tree, such as FS_VERITY_HASH_ALG_SHA256. See
109 ``include/uapi/linux/fsverity.h`` for the list of possible values.
110- ``block_size`` must be the Merkle tree block size. Currently, this
111 must be equal to the system page size, which is usually 4096 bytes.
112 Other sizes may be supported in the future. This value is not
113 necessarily the same as the filesystem block size.
114- ``salt_size`` is the size of the salt in bytes, or 0 if no salt is
115 provided. The salt is a value that is prepended to every hashed
116 block; it can be used to personalize the hashing for a particular
117 file or device. Currently the maximum salt size is 32 bytes.
118- ``salt_ptr`` is the pointer to the salt, or NULL if no salt is
119 provided.
120- ``sig_size`` is the size of the signature in bytes, or 0 if no
121 signature is provided. Currently the signature is (somewhat
122 arbitrarily) limited to 16128 bytes. See `Built-in signature
123 verification`_ for more information.
124- ``sig_ptr`` is the pointer to the signature, or NULL if no
125 signature is provided.
126- All reserved fields must be zeroed.
128FS_IOC_ENABLE_VERITY causes the filesystem to build a Merkle tree for
129the file and persist it to a filesystem-specific location associated
130with the file, then mark the file as a verity file. This ioctl may
131take a long time to execute on large files, and it is interruptible by
132fatal signals.
134FS_IOC_ENABLE_VERITY checks for write access to the inode. However,
135it must be executed on an O_RDONLY file descriptor and no processes
136can have the file open for writing. Attempts to open the file for
137writing while this ioctl is executing will fail with ETXTBSY. (This
138is necessary to guarantee that no writable file descriptors will exist
139after verity is enabled, and to guarantee that the file's contents are
140stable while the Merkle tree is being built over it.)
142On success, FS_IOC_ENABLE_VERITY returns 0, and the file becomes a
143verity file. On failure (including the case of interruption by a
144fatal signal), no changes are made to the file.
146FS_IOC_ENABLE_VERITY can fail with the following errors:
148- ``EACCES``: the process does not have write access to the file
149- ``EBADMSG``: the signature is malformed
150- ``EBUSY``: this ioctl is already running on the file
151- ``EEXIST``: the file already has verity enabled
152- ``EFAULT``: the caller provided inaccessible memory
153- ``EINTR``: the operation was interrupted by a fatal signal
154- ``EINVAL``: unsupported version, hash algorithm, or block size; or
155 reserved bits are set; or the file descriptor refers to neither a
156 regular file nor a directory.
157- ``EISDIR``: the file descriptor refers to a directory
158- ``EKEYREJECTED``: the signature doesn't match the file
159- ``EMSGSIZE``: the salt or signature is too long
160- ``ENOKEY``: the fs-verity keyring doesn't contain the certificate
161 needed to verify the signature
162- ``ENOPKG``: fs-verity recognizes the hash algorithm, but it's not
163 available in the kernel's crypto API as currently configured (e.g.
164 for SHA-512, missing CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA512).
165- ``ENOTTY``: this type of filesystem does not implement fs-verity
166- ``EOPNOTSUPP``: the kernel was not configured with fs-verity
167 support; or the filesystem superblock has not had the 'verity'
168 feature enabled on it; or the filesystem does not support fs-verity
169 on this file. (See `Filesystem support`_.)
170- ``EPERM``: the file is append-only; or, a signature is required and
171 one was not provided.
172- ``EROFS``: the filesystem is read-only
173- ``ETXTBSY``: someone has the file open for writing. This can be the
174 caller's file descriptor, another open file descriptor, or the file
175 reference held by a writable memory map.
180The FS_IOC_MEASURE_VERITY ioctl retrieves the measurement of a verity
181file. The file measurement is a digest that cryptographically
182identifies the file contents that are being enforced on reads.
184This ioctl takes in a pointer to a variable-length structure::
186 struct fsverity_digest {
187 __u16 digest_algorithm;
188 __u16 digest_size; /* input/output */
189 __u8 digest[];
190 };
192``digest_size`` is an input/output field. On input, it must be
193initialized to the number of bytes allocated for the variable-length
194``digest`` field.
196On success, 0 is returned and the kernel fills in the structure as
199- ``digest_algorithm`` will be the hash algorithm used for the file
200 measurement. It will match ``fsverity_enable_arg::hash_algorithm``.
201- ``digest_size`` will be the size of the digest in bytes, e.g. 32
202 for SHA-256. (This can be redundant with ``digest_algorithm``.)
203- ``digest`` will be the actual bytes of the digest.
205FS_IOC_MEASURE_VERITY is guaranteed to execute in constant time,
206regardless of the size of the file.
208FS_IOC_MEASURE_VERITY can fail with the following errors:
210- ``EFAULT``: the caller provided inaccessible memory
211- ``ENODATA``: the file is not a verity file
212- ``ENOTTY``: this type of filesystem does not implement fs-verity
213- ``EOPNOTSUPP``: the kernel was not configured with fs-verity
214 support, or the filesystem superblock has not had the 'verity'
215 feature enabled on it. (See `Filesystem support`_.)
216- ``EOVERFLOW``: the digest is longer than the specified
217 ``digest_size`` bytes. Try providing a larger buffer.
222The existing ioctl FS_IOC_GETFLAGS (which isn't specific to fs-verity)
223can also be used to check whether a file has fs-verity enabled or not.
224To do so, check for FS_VERITY_FL (0x00100000) in the returned flags.
226The verity flag is not settable via FS_IOC_SETFLAGS. You must use
227FS_IOC_ENABLE_VERITY instead, since parameters must be provided.
229Accessing verity files
232Applications can transparently access a verity file just like a
233non-verity one, with the following exceptions:
235- Verity files are readonly. They cannot be opened for writing or
236 truncate()d, even if the file mode bits allow it. Attempts to do
237 one of these things will fail with EPERM. However, changes to
238 metadata such as owner, mode, timestamps, and xattrs are still
239 allowed, since these are not measured by fs-verity. Verity files
240 can also still be renamed, deleted, and linked to.
242- Direct I/O is not supported on verity files. Attempts to use direct
243 I/O on such files will fall back to buffered I/O.
245- DAX (Direct Access) is not supported on verity files, because this
246 would circumvent the data verification.
248- Reads of data that doesn't match the verity Merkle tree will fail
249 with EIO (for read()) or SIGBUS (for mmap() reads).
251- If the sysctl "fs.verity.require_signatures" is set to 1 and the
252 file's verity measurement is not signed by a key in the fs-verity
253 keyring, then opening the file will fail. See `Built-in signature
254 verification`_.
256Direct access to the Merkle tree is not supported. Therefore, if a
257verity file is copied, or is backed up and restored, then it will lose
258its "verity"-ness. fs-verity is primarily meant for files like
259executables that are managed by a package manager.
261File measurement computation
264This section describes how fs-verity hashes the file contents using a
265Merkle tree to produce the "file measurement" which cryptographically
266identifies the file contents. This algorithm is the same for all
267filesystems that support fs-verity.
269Userspace only needs to be aware of this algorithm if it needs to
270compute the file measurement itself, e.g. in order to sign the file.
272.. _fsverity_merkle_tree:
274Merkle tree
277The file contents is divided into blocks, where the block size is
278configurable but is usually 4096 bytes. The end of the last block is
279zero-padded if needed. Each block is then hashed, producing the first
280level of hashes. Then, the hashes in this first level are grouped
281into 'blocksize'-byte blocks (zero-padding the ends as needed) and
282these blocks are hashed, producing the second level of hashes. This
283proceeds up the tree until only a single block remains. The hash of
284this block is the "Merkle tree root hash".
286If the file fits in one block and is nonempty, then the "Merkle tree
287root hash" is simply the hash of the single data block. If the file
288is empty, then the "Merkle tree root hash" is all zeroes.
290The "blocks" here are not necessarily the same as "filesystem blocks".
292If a salt was specified, then it's zero-padded to the closest multiple
293of the input size of the hash algorithm's compression function, e.g.
29464 bytes for SHA-256 or 128 bytes for SHA-512. The padded salt is
295prepended to every data or Merkle tree block that is hashed.
297The purpose of the block padding is to cause every hash to be taken
298over the same amount of data, which simplifies the implementation and
299keeps open more possibilities for hardware acceleration. The purpose
300of the salt padding is to make the salting "free" when the salted hash
301state is precomputed, then imported for each hash.
303Example: in the recommended configuration of SHA-256 and 4K blocks,
304128 hash values fit in each block. Thus, each level of the Merkle
305tree is approximately 128 times smaller than the previous, and for
306large files the Merkle tree's size converges to approximately 1/127 of
307the original file size. However, for small files, the padding is
308significant, making the space overhead proportionally more.
310.. _fsverity_descriptor:
312fs-verity descriptor
315By itself, the Merkle tree root hash is ambiguous. For example, it
316can't a distinguish a large file from a small second file whose data
317is exactly the top-level hash block of the first file. Ambiguities
318also arise from the convention of padding to the next block boundary.
320To solve this problem, the verity file measurement is actually
321computed as a hash of the following structure, which contains the
322Merkle tree root hash as well as other fields such as the file size::
324 struct fsverity_descriptor {
325 __u8 version; /* must be 1 */
326 __u8 hash_algorithm; /* Merkle tree hash algorithm */
327 __u8 log_blocksize; /* log2 of size of data and tree blocks */
328 __u8 salt_size; /* size of salt in bytes; 0 if none */
329 __le32 sig_size; /* must be 0 */
330 __le64 data_size; /* size of file the Merkle tree is built over */
331 __u8 root_hash[64]; /* Merkle tree root hash */
332 __u8 salt[32]; /* salt prepended to each hashed block */
333 __u8 __reserved[144]; /* must be 0's */
334 };
336Note that the ``sig_size`` field must be set to 0 for the purpose of
337computing the file measurement, even if a signature was provided (or
338will be provided) to `FS_IOC_ENABLE_VERITY`_.
340Built-in signature verification
343With CONFIG_FS_VERITY_BUILTIN_SIGNATURES=y, fs-verity supports putting
344a portion of an authentication policy (see `Use cases`_) in the
345kernel. Specifically, it adds support for:
3471. At fs-verity module initialization time, a keyring ".fs-verity" is
348 created. The root user can add trusted X.509 certificates to this
349 keyring using the add_key() system call, then (when done)
350 optionally use keyctl_restrict_keyring() to prevent additional
351 certificates from being added.
3532. `FS_IOC_ENABLE_VERITY`_ accepts a pointer to a PKCS#7 formatted
354 detached signature in DER format of the file measurement. On
355 success, this signature is persisted alongside the Merkle tree.
356 Then, any time the file is opened, the kernel will verify the
357 file's actual measurement against this signature, using the
358 certificates in the ".fs-verity" keyring.
3603. A new sysctl "fs.verity.require_signatures" is made available.
361 When set to 1, the kernel requires that all verity files have a
362 correctly signed file measurement as described in (2).
364File measurements must be signed in the following format, which is
365similar to the structure used by `FS_IOC_MEASURE_VERITY`_::
367 struct fsverity_signed_digest {
368 char magic[8]; /* must be "FSVerity" */
369 __le16 digest_algorithm;
370 __le16 digest_size;
371 __u8 digest[];
372 };
374fs-verity's built-in signature verification support is meant as a
375relatively simple mechanism that can be used to provide some level of
376authenticity protection for verity files, as an alternative to doing
377the signature verification in userspace or using IMA-appraisal.
378However, with this mechanism, userspace programs still need to check
379that the verity bit is set, and there is no protection against verity
380files being swapped around.
382Filesystem support
385fs-verity is currently supported by the ext4 and f2fs filesystems.
386The CONFIG_FS_VERITY kconfig option must be enabled to use fs-verity
387on either filesystem.
389``include/linux/fsverity.h`` declares the interface between the
390``fs/verity/`` support layer and filesystems. Briefly, filesystems
391must provide an ``fsverity_operations`` structure that provides
392methods to read and write the verity metadata to a filesystem-specific
393location, including the Merkle tree blocks and
394``fsverity_descriptor``. Filesystems must also call functions in
395``fs/verity/`` at certain times, such as when a file is opened or when
396pages have been read into the pagecache. (See `Verifying data`_.)
401ext4 supports fs-verity since Linux TODO and e2fsprogs v1.45.2.
403To create verity files on an ext4 filesystem, the filesystem must have
404been formatted with ``-O verity`` or had ``tune2fs -O verity`` run on
405it. "verity" is an RO_COMPAT filesystem feature, so once set, old
406kernels will only be able to mount the filesystem readonly, and old
407versions of e2fsck will be unable to check the filesystem. Moreover,
408currently ext4 only supports mounting a filesystem with the "verity"
409feature when its block size is equal to PAGE_SIZE (often 4096 bytes).
411ext4 sets the EXT4_VERITY_FL on-disk inode flag on verity files. It
412can only be set by `FS_IOC_ENABLE_VERITY`_, and it cannot be cleared.
414ext4 also supports encryption, which can be used simultaneously with
415fs-verity. In this case, the plaintext data is verified rather than
416the ciphertext. This is necessary in order to make the file
417measurement meaningful, since every file is encrypted differently.
419ext4 stores the verity metadata (Merkle tree and fsverity_descriptor)
420past the end of the file, starting at the first 64K boundary beyond
421i_size. This approach works because (a) verity files are readonly,
422and (b) pages fully beyond i_size aren't visible to userspace but can
423be read/written internally by ext4 with only some relatively small
424changes to ext4. This approach avoids having to depend on the
425EA_INODE feature and on rearchitecturing ext4's xattr support to
426support paging multi-gigabyte xattrs into memory, and to support
427encrypting xattrs. Note that the verity metadata *must* be encrypted
428when the file is, since it contains hashes of the plaintext data.
430Currently, ext4 verity only supports the case where the Merkle tree
431block size, filesystem block size, and page size are all the same. It
432also only supports extent-based files.
437f2fs supports fs-verity since Linux TODO and f2fs-tools v1.11.0.
439To create verity files on an f2fs filesystem, the filesystem must have
440been formatted with ``-O verity``.
442f2fs sets the FADVISE_VERITY_BIT on-disk inode flag on verity files.
443It can only be set by `FS_IOC_ENABLE_VERITY`_, and it cannot be
446Like ext4, f2fs stores the verity metadata (Merkle tree and
447fsverity_descriptor) past the end of the file, starting at the first
44864K boundary beyond i_size. See explanation for ext4 above.
449Moreover, f2fs supports at most 4096 bytes of xattr entries per inode
450which wouldn't be enough for even a single Merkle tree block.
452Currently, f2fs verity only supports a Merkle tree block size of 4096.
453Also, f2fs doesn't support enabling verity on files that currently
454have atomic or volatile writes pending.
456Implementation details
459Verifying data
462fs-verity ensures that all reads of a verity file's data are verified,
463regardless of which syscall is used to do the read (e.g. mmap(),
464read(), pread()) and regardless of whether it's the first read or a
465later read (unless the later read can return cached data that was
466already verified). Below, we describe how filesystems implement this.
471For filesystems using Linux's pagecache, the ``->readpage()`` and
472``->readpages()`` methods must be modified to verify pages before they
473are marked Uptodate. Merely hooking ``->read_iter()`` would be
474insufficient, since ``->read_iter()`` is not used for memory maps.
476Therefore, fs/verity/ provides a function fsverity_verify_page() which
477verifies a page that has been read into the pagecache of a verity
478inode, but is still locked and not Uptodate, so it's not yet readable
479by userspace. As needed to do the verification,
480fsverity_verify_page() will call back into the filesystem to read
481Merkle tree pages via fsverity_operations::read_merkle_tree_page().
483fsverity_verify_page() returns false if verification failed; in this
484case, the filesystem must not set the page Uptodate. Following this,
485as per the usual Linux pagecache behavior, attempts by userspace to
486read() from the part of the file containing the page will fail with
487EIO, and accesses to the page within a memory map will raise SIGBUS.
489fsverity_verify_page() currently only supports the case where the
490Merkle tree block size is equal to PAGE_SIZE (often 4096 bytes).
492In principle, fsverity_verify_page() verifies the entire path in the
493Merkle tree from the data page to the root hash. However, for
494efficiency the filesystem may cache the hash pages. Therefore,
495fsverity_verify_page() only ascends the tree reading hash pages until
496an already-verified hash page is seen, as indicated by the PageChecked
497bit being set. It then verifies the path to that page.
499This optimization, which is also used by dm-verity, results in
500excellent sequential read performance. This is because usually (e.g.
501127 in 128 times for 4K blocks and SHA-256) the hash page from the
502bottom level of the tree will already be cached and checked from
503reading a previous data page. However, random reads perform worse.
505Block device based filesystems
508Block device based filesystems (e.g. ext4 and f2fs) in Linux also use
509the pagecache, so the above subsection applies too. However, they
510also usually read many pages from a file at once, grouped into a
511structure called a "bio". To make it easier for these types of
512filesystems to support fs-verity, fs/verity/ also provides a function
513fsverity_verify_bio() which verifies all pages in a bio.
515ext4 and f2fs also support encryption. If a verity file is also
516encrypted, the pages must be decrypted before being verified. To
517support this, these filesystems allocate a "post-read context" for
518each bio and store it in ``->bi_private``::
520 struct bio_post_read_ctx {
521 struct bio *bio;
522 struct work_struct work;
523 unsigned int cur_step;
524 unsigned int enabled_steps;
525 };
527``enabled_steps`` is a bitmask that specifies whether decryption,
528verity, or both is enabled. After the bio completes, for each needed
529postprocessing step the filesystem enqueues the bio_post_read_ctx on a
530workqueue, and then the workqueue work does the decryption or
531verification. Finally, pages where no decryption or verity error
532occurred are marked Uptodate, and the pages are unlocked.
534Files on ext4 and f2fs may contain holes. Normally, ``->readpages()``
535simply zeroes holes and sets the corresponding pages Uptodate; no bios
536are issued. To prevent this case from bypassing fs-verity, these
537filesystems use fsverity_verify_page() to verify hole pages.
539ext4 and f2fs disable direct I/O on verity files, since otherwise
540direct I/O would bypass fs-verity. (They also do the same for
541encrypted files.)
543Userspace utility
546This document focuses on the kernel, but a userspace utility for
547fs-verity can be found at:
551See the file in the fsverity-utils source tree for details,
552including examples of setting up fs-verity protected files.
557To test fs-verity, use xfstests. For example, using `kvm-xfstests
560 kvm-xfstests -c ext4,f2fs -g verity
565This section answers frequently asked questions about fs-verity that
566weren't already directly answered in other parts of this document.
568:Q: Why isn't fs-verity part of IMA?
569:A: fs-verity and IMA (Integrity Measurement Architecture) have
570 different focuses. fs-verity is a filesystem-level mechanism for
571 hashing individual files using a Merkle tree. In contrast, IMA
572 specifies a system-wide policy that specifies which files are
573 hashed and what to do with those hashes, such as log them,
574 authenticate them, or add them to a measurement list.
576 IMA is planned to support the fs-verity hashing mechanism as an
577 alternative to doing full file hashes, for people who want the
578 performance and security benefits of the Merkle tree based hash.
579 But it doesn't make sense to force all uses of fs-verity to be
580 through IMA. As a standalone filesystem feature, fs-verity
581 already meets many users' needs, and it's testable like other
582 filesystem features e.g. with xfstests.
584:Q: Isn't fs-verity useless because the attacker can just modify the
585 hashes in the Merkle tree, which is stored on-disk?
586:A: To verify the authenticity of an fs-verity file you must verify
587 the authenticity of the "file measurement", which is basically the
588 root hash of the Merkle tree. See `Use cases`_.
590:Q: Isn't fs-verity useless because the attacker can just replace a
591 verity file with a non-verity one?
592:A: See `Use cases`_. In the initial use case, it's really trusted
593 userspace code that authenticates the files; fs-verity is just a
594 tool to do this job efficiently and securely. The trusted
595 userspace code will consider non-verity files to be inauthentic.
597:Q: Why does the Merkle tree need to be stored on-disk? Couldn't you
598 store just the root hash?
599:A: If the Merkle tree wasn't stored on-disk, then you'd have to
600 compute the entire tree when the file is first accessed, even if
601 just one byte is being read. This is a fundamental consequence of
602 how Merkle tree hashing works. To verify a leaf node, you need to
603 verify the whole path to the root hash, including the root node
604 (the thing which the root hash is a hash of). But if the root
605 node isn't stored on-disk, you have to compute it by hashing its
606 children, and so on until you've actually hashed the entire file.
608 That defeats most of the point of doing a Merkle tree-based hash,
609 since if you have to hash the whole file ahead of time anyway,
610 then you could simply do sha256(file) instead. That would be much
611 simpler, and a bit faster too.
613 It's true that an in-memory Merkle tree could still provide the
614 advantage of verification on every read rather than just on the
615 first read. However, it would be inefficient because every time a
616 hash page gets evicted (you can't pin the entire Merkle tree into
617 memory, since it may be very large), in order to restore it you
618 again need to hash everything below it in the tree. This again
619 defeats most of the point of doing a Merkle tree-based hash, since
620 a single block read could trigger re-hashing gigabytes of data.
622:Q: But couldn't you store just the leaf nodes and compute the rest?
623:A: See previous answer; this really just moves up one level, since
624 one could alternatively interpret the data blocks as being the
625 leaf nodes of the Merkle tree. It's true that the tree can be
626 computed much faster if the leaf level is stored rather than just
627 the data, but that's only because each level is less than 1% the
628 size of the level below (assuming the recommended settings of
629 SHA-256 and 4K blocks). For the exact same reason, by storing
630 "just the leaf nodes" you'd already be storing over 99% of the
631 tree, so you might as well simply store the whole tree.
633:Q: Can the Merkle tree be built ahead of time, e.g. distributed as
634 part of a package that is installed to many computers?
635:A: This isn't currently supported. It was part of the original
636 design, but was removed to simplify the kernel UAPI and because it
637 wasn't a critical use case. Files are usually installed once and
638 used many times, and cryptographic hashing is somewhat fast on
639 most modern processors.
641:Q: Why doesn't fs-verity support writes?
642:A: Write support would be very difficult and would require a
643 completely different design, so it's well outside the scope of
644 fs-verity. Write support would require:
646 - A way to maintain consistency between the data and hashes,
647 including all levels of hashes, since corruption after a crash
648 (especially of potentially the entire file!) is unacceptable.
649 The main options for solving this are data journalling,
650 copy-on-write, and log-structured volume. But it's very hard to
651 retrofit existing filesystems with new consistency mechanisms.
652 Data journalling is available on ext4, but is very slow.
654 - Rebuilding the the Merkle tree after every write, which would be
655 extremely inefficient. Alternatively, a different authenticated
656 dictionary structure such as an "authenticated skiplist" could
657 be used. However, this would be far more complex.
659 Compare it to dm-verity vs. dm-integrity. dm-verity is very
660 simple: the kernel just verifies read-only data against a
661 read-only Merkle tree. In contrast, dm-integrity supports writes
662 but is slow, is much more complex, and doesn't actually support
663 full-device authentication since it authenticates each sector
664 independently, i.e. there is no "root hash". It doesn't really
665 make sense for the same device-mapper target to support these two
666 very different cases; the same applies to fs-verity.
668:Q: Since verity files are immutable, why isn't the immutable bit set?
669:A: The existing "immutable" bit (FS_IMMUTABLE_FL) already has a
670 specific set of semantics which not only make the file contents
671 read-only, but also prevent the file from being deleted, renamed,
672 linked to, or having its owner or mode changed. These extra
673 properties are unwanted for fs-verity, so reusing the immutable
674 bit isn't appropriate.
676:Q: Why does the API use ioctls instead of setxattr() and getxattr()?
677:A: Abusing the xattr interface for basically arbitrary syscalls is
678 heavily frowned upon by most of the Linux filesystem developers.
679 An xattr should really just be an xattr on-disk, not an API to
680 e.g. magically trigger construction of a Merkle tree.
682:Q: Does fs-verity support remote filesystems?
683:A: Only ext4 and f2fs support is implemented currently, but in
684 principle any filesystem that can store per-file verity metadata
685 can support fs-verity, regardless of whether it's local or remote.
686 Some filesystems may have fewer options of where to store the
687 verity metadata; one possibility is to store it past the end of
688 the file and "hide" it from userspace by manipulating i_size. The
689 data verification functions provided by ``fs/verity/`` also assume
690 that the filesystem uses the Linux pagecache, but both local and
691 remote filesystems normally do so.
693:Q: Why is anything filesystem-specific at all? Shouldn't fs-verity
694 be implemented entirely at the VFS level?
695:A: There are many reasons why this is not possible or would be very
696 difficult, including the following:
698 - To prevent bypassing verification, pages must not be marked
699 Uptodate until they've been verified. Currently, each
700 filesystem is responsible for marking pages Uptodate via
701 ``->readpages()``. Therefore, currently it's not possible for
702 the VFS to do the verification on its own. Changing this would
703 require significant changes to the VFS and all filesystems.
705 - It would require defining a filesystem-independent way to store
706 the verity metadata. Extended attributes don't work for this
707 because (a) the Merkle tree may be gigabytes, but many
708 filesystems assume that all xattrs fit into a single 4K
709 filesystem block, and (b) ext4 and f2fs encryption doesn't
710 encrypt xattrs, yet the Merkle tree *must* be encrypted when the
711 file contents are, because it stores hashes of the plaintext
712 file contents.
714 So the verity metadata would have to be stored in an actual
715 file. Using a separate file would be very ugly, since the
716 metadata is fundamentally part of the file to be protected, and
717 it could cause problems where users could delete the real file
718 but not the metadata file or vice versa. On the other hand,
719 having it be in the same file would break applications unless
720 filesystems' notion of i_size were divorced from the VFS's,
721 which would be complex and require changes to all filesystems.
723 - It's desirable that FS_IOC_ENABLE_VERITY uses the filesystem's
724 transaction mechanism so that either the file ends up with
725 verity enabled, or no changes were made. Allowing intermediate
726 states to occur after a crash may cause problems.